Tick Tock don't forget your clocks ...

Tonight at 02:00hrs(2am BST) the clocks go back 1 hour to GMT.
So we gain an extra hour in bed tonight!!
Is this to do with your chest pain Evan ?

Chest pains aren't helping at the moment, that said I have never been a big sleeper or found it easy to sleep. I wake up at the slightest noise then struggle to go back to sleep. Over the years I have just got used to it.
You have my sympathy Evan as befor my angina attack my sleeping pattern was right up the creak, but now stablised, and I found it very wearing and was feeling tired all the time. Now with the medication I am on I am now having a regular good nights sleep and not feeling tired, I hope this continues.
Evan & Bootneck hope you both get better soon!

Sadly the clock on the heating/water does not seem to like GMT.
As it keeps switching back to BST for some unknown reason!!:confused: