I am outputting values from an access form to a word
document using some simply VB code. One field I am using
is a yes/no tick box. The problem with this is that it
only either outputs the values -1 or a 0. I want to output
the tick symbol or not as the case maybe not the -1 or 0.
I sure that this will be easy to somebody who know what
they are doing. The code I am using is below.
Thanks in advance
Appword.Selection.GoTo wdGoToBookmark, Name:="bmkOne"
If IsNull(Me.phOne) Then
Appword.Selection.TypeText ""
Appword.Selection.TypeText Me.phOne
End If
document using some simply VB code. One field I am using
is a yes/no tick box. The problem with this is that it
only either outputs the values -1 or a 0. I want to output
the tick symbol or not as the case maybe not the -1 or 0.
I sure that this will be easy to somebody who know what
they are doing. The code I am using is below.
Thanks in advance
Appword.Selection.GoTo wdGoToBookmark, Name:="bmkOne"
If IsNull(Me.phOne) Then
Appword.Selection.TypeText ""
Appword.Selection.TypeText Me.phOne
End If