Thumbs.db Problem


Dave Hannam

Can anyone help me out here, when I delete a folder via shift \ delete, I
continually get a Thumbs.db file which appears on my Desktop which I then
delete the same way. It's more of a nuisance than anything else.
TIA, Cheers, Dave.


Why are you creating your own "nuisance" by using shift \ delete?
Have you tried using your mouse rightclick and click Delete? This way it
goes to the Recycle Bin in case you make an error so you can restore.

Alex Nichol

Byte said:
Why are you creating your own "nuisance" by using shift \ delete?
Have you tried using your mouse rightclick and click Delete? This way it
goes to the Recycle Bin in case you make an error so you can restore.

Which he may well want to bypass.

The Thumbs.db holds the cached thumbnails where you have looked at a
folder in Thumbnail or Filmstrip view. It is a system file - hence the
query. You *can* turn off caching of Thumbnails in Folder Options,
view, but it will slow down opening a folder in either of those modes,
because of the need then to regenerate the thumbnails

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