Your sarcasm is unnecessary and doesn't encourage me to help you further. If
you don't understand anything on my web site, you only have to ask. There is
even a feedback link on the site for that purpose.
I bear no responsibility for what appears on the MVP web site, though I have
contributed to it.
My own web site contains a variety of tutorials spelled out in words of one
syllable and illustrated where appropriate with screen shots taken from
Word, provided in my own time and at my own expense.
It is difficult to see how I could make it easier to follow.
However ......
Follow the list below:
1. Tools > macro > macros. In the 'Macros in' drop down, select
Are there macros listed called autoopen and /or autonew? If there are then
select one and choose 'edit'. If not (as should be the case unless you have
already added such a macro) type autonew in the name box and choose
'create' (now you see why I chose to illustrate my web pages).
2. In between sub autonew() and end sub copy the line from the earler post.
3. Copy the three lines and paste below end sub (so they appear twice).
4. In the second version change the word autonew to autoopen
5. Click the save button and close the editor.
6. Job done!
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
My web site
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