Widya Santoso
Any suggestions for a thumbnail program that will produce html pages using
a user defined template page? What I plan to do is to post photos online
for a function I am attending in another city. I want to post photos of
the day's activities every night. I'll download the photos off my
digicamera to my laptop, run the thumbnail program to resize the photos
and create thumbnails. The thumbnail application would then use a
template page I have created to make a web album.
Thanks in advance,
a user defined template page? What I plan to do is to post photos online
for a function I am attending in another city. I want to post photos of
the day's activities every night. I'll download the photos off my
digicamera to my laptop, run the thumbnail program to resize the photos
and create thumbnails. The thumbnail application would then use a
template page I have created to make a web album.
Thanks in advance,