Thumbnail file vob windows explorer



when I go in a folder which contains some file vob (associated with nero
showtime), not all the files show the preview. I don't understand if this is
caused from nero or windows. Can someone help me?


I have contacted nero and they told me that the problem is in windows. It
seems me a bug for this reason, I hope somebody, mvp or microsoft, help me
to discover the cause.

zachd [MSFT]

What specifically did they say that Windows was doing wrong here? Generally
the filter there pretty clearly owns the preview process. I don't know of
too many other filters who have problems there, so I'm curious as to what
bug they think they've found.


They told me only that a Windows problem not a bug, I am that I think this
is a bug beacause I don't understand what is the problem.

zachd [MSFT]

What specifically did they say Microsoft or Windows was doing wrong here?
Either one of the two sides here is supposedly dropping the ball here, if
they can be specific, that's helpful. If not, I'd send you back there,
since thumbnails are handled by the filter - them in this case. =\

Speaking for myself only.
See for some helpful WMP info.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


I send an email to nero for your question and I'm looking forward to the
But can I ask you how the thumbnail work? I don't know and I don't
understand it yet.


The link doesn't work, anyway I tried to clear the cache several time but
there is always some files which doesn't show the preview.


By the way, the link does work. ;)

I have the same problem, although in my case AVI files don't display
thumbnails. Other files like MPG, WMV, JPG, etc do show thumbnails.

I think this is a problem with Windows Explorer, there are so many other
bugs in Explorer in Vista. I have AVI files set to open in VLC, and even
if I change it to WMP it still does not show a thumbnail.

Any idea? Thanks!


zachd [MSFT]

For what video codecs? Do WMV files work correctly? That's when you're
using all Microsoft code. AVI thumbnails are often going to rely upon third
party codecs for thumbnail extraction. Note that these thumbnail extractors
are run in their own process space because Explorer got tired of being
broken by their badness.

Using WMV should generally be a really easy experience. Using AVI can be
rather a PITA. I'm working to help make that easier for you, but the field
has been really compromised by years of some poor choices made by
non-Microsoft people. Happily, it looks like we may be on a route towards
stability again. Hopfully. I like your multimedia life being easy no
matter what your file format or player choices are.


Yes, now link works when I try it didn't work

By the way, the link does work. ;)

I thank you for your work but in my case I have noticed that the problem
occurs also when nero isn't installed and the preview when calculate with
the decoder mpeg2 in windows. This means it's a problem of explorer, right?
At last it succedded to show a preview which didn't show but I must to wait
several time, in short it does like it wants, if it wants show, it shows, if
it doesn't wants, either it shows after several time or it doesn't show.....
If I try to uninstall nero we are sure that windows succedd to calculate all

"zachd [MSFT]"


This is the email which I have received from nero:
"Unfortunately if we would know what is wrong there in Windows we could make
the support for them too. Unfortunately we do not now what does not work,
the only thing we know is that this problem does not depend on us maybe it
depends on Windows. It could also be that it is just a failure in your
system or a failure of your files, but we the preview screen is not an
application of Nero it is an application or feature of Windows."

I have tried to check with process explorer what is happened and I see that
the preview is showed by the library WMM2CLIP.dll in C:\Program Files\Movie
Maker; could it to be this the problem?

zachd [MSFT]

The thumbnail extractor uses a a file filter which uses the specific codecs
for that type. It's a slight variant upon a normal rendering graph as can
be seen via GraphEdt.

He-said she-said via UseNet is not productive. I'm not sure who they're
working with at Microsoft, but that would likely be the appropriate way for
them to get help with whatevre issue they're having here if they're
rendering the VOB thumbnails here. That being said, VOB isn't really meant
to be used on the local hard drive anyways.


zachd said:
The thumbnail extractor uses a a file filter which uses the specific
for that type. It's a slight variant upon a normal rendering graph as can
be seen via GraphEdt.

He-said she-said via UseNet is not productive. I'm not sure who they're
working with at Microsoft, but that would likely be the appropriate way
for them to get help with whatevre issue they're having here if they're
rendering the VOB thumbnails here. That being said, VOB isn't really
meant to be used on the local hard drive anyways.
Top poster, talking to yourself again?


Frank's Brain Activity Plotted (watch the red line):

California 5150 Notice:

All attempts to try and convince Frank to seek help for his mental
problems have failed. The State of California has no option left but
to issue the following 5150 order within the next 24 hours.


NoStop said:
zachd [MSFT] wrote:

The thumbnail extractor uses a a file filter which uses the specific
for that type. It's a slight variant upon a normal rendering graph as can
be seen via GraphEdt.

He-said she-said via UseNet is not productive. I'm not sure who they're
working with at Microsoft, but that would likely be the appropriate way
for them to get help with whatevre issue they're having here if they're
rendering the VOB thumbnails here. That being said, VOB isn't really
meant to be used on the local hard drive anyways.

Top poster, talking to yourself again?


You swallowed a parrot didn't you...LOL

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