Throughput/bandwidth monitor

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sol
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Hi there.

I'm looking for an alternative to the Network
Performance/throughput/bandwidth monitoring utils that are bundled with
Windows. Specifically, I'm after a standalone exe that (preferrably)
works on both Windows 9x/ME and NT/2K/XP/etc. and is lightweight, and
so on. Or are the built-in MS utils unmatched in their quality?
(Something tells me no. =)

Thanks very much in advance, and cheers.
John said:
its very good... small, can work as a standalone

I suppose 'standalone' wasn't the correct way to phrase this. What I'm
looking for is a program that *doesn't* need to be installed.
tell me if this helps

Unfortunately, NetMeeter *does* need to be installed. The reason I
want such a no-install-necessary program is that I'd like to be able to
run it on other peoples' machines temporarily and then remove it when
I'm done without having to mess with the whole install/uninstall
process. I appreciate your help, though.

John said:
Here is the standalone, I uploaded it for you.

I'm sorry. I didn't know which link you were trying to send me to
originally. Thanks, this is exactly what I wanted! I really
appreciate your help. Sorry I doubted you!

Bandwidh monitor Identifies which users, applications, and protocols are consuming the most network bandwidth and highlights the IP addresses of the top talkers on the network and Maps the traffic arriving from designated ports, source IPs, destination IPs, and even protocols, to application names you can easily recognize.