Hi ,
What i want to accomplish is to display the main form in my windows application and along with that i want to spurn a thread from my Sub Main that instantiates a dll and displays a form in the dll. And Process the popup form separately from my main form.
This is the gist of the code im running:
Dim obj1 as new classlib.class1
Dim t1 as thread = New Thread(adddressOf t1.ShowMsg)
Wat happens now is the form that shud display from the class library just flashes and the main form is displayed.
Wat am i doing wrong????
What i want to accomplish is to display the main form in my windows application and along with that i want to spurn a thread from my Sub Main that instantiates a dll and displays a form in the dll. And Process the popup form separately from my main form.
This is the gist of the code im running:
Dim obj1 as new classlib.class1
Dim t1 as thread = New Thread(adddressOf t1.ShowMsg)
Wat happens now is the form that shud display from the class library just flashes and the main form is displayed.
Wat am i doing wrong????