Threads Heading South


Crunchy Cat
Jun 1, 2006
Reaction score
Suddenly - after refreshing the Main Index page a few minutes ago - everything in PC Review went "south" or, to be more accurate, the centre part of every page. There is a white blank where the threads should be, and to find them, I have to scroll down to the level of the Search Box. I have tried closing the browser and also re-starting the PC, but the centre bits are still attempting to visit Cirianz :D Is the "gremlin" mine-all-mine? Or is it affecting anyone else please?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions guys :)
Me too, this must be an issue with the forum. I came to the Feedback section to post about it and saw taffycat had already done so :D

Not the first time It's happened (to me, if not anyone else). But it's the first time since I changed to using Firefox.

No doubt Ian will pick up on it in the morning.
Fine here ... in any browser. :D

May have been an early morning unofficial break by the forum software to grab a quick cup of coffee.

But, as I wake up, I do remember that it has happend to me in Linux before while messing with screen resolutions ... if you use the little orange arrows to 'hide' the sidebars, does it help at all?

Ah poo, that was me - I made a slight change last night and it must have messed up. Is it ok now?
Ian Cunningham said:
Ah poo, that was me - I made a slight change last night and it must have messed up. Is it ok now?
Tut tut ... it was never 'broken' don't 'fix' it ... :p

Morning All :wave: - back to normal again today - great! (Forgot to mention in my original post, that I too was using Firefox - still, it was past the witching-hour when eye-bags were turning into sleeping-bags :lol: )
still, it was past the witching-hour when eye-bags were turning into sleeping-bags

I'll second that....;)