Almost every posting of mine has a link to my Search page.
At the top of my search page are rows of links, waving the cursor
over them provides more information. What else should we be
doing to get people to search before posting..
Those same links on the search.htm page are repeated later in the table.
Most of the information on that page is intended to be of interest to
anyone who needs information quickly (like if they were traveling) and
tries to avoid mention of Excel except for the search form to search
my pages..
To do your own searches of Google Groups particularly
related to Excel postings see my page
Excel Newsgroups & Searching Newsgroups
and includes information on how to make shorter links based
on the url for the original post as archived at Google Groups.
Besides Google Groups for newsgroup archives, there is also
Google for web searches, the Microsoft Knowledge Base (mskb),
dictionaries where one can find "prescience" {The power to
foresee the future]
Most of the links I post, I've already posted before so am not
necessarily looking them up each time.
Practically everything I post either is already on my pages or the pages
get updated later. Look to web pages for details and organization,
look to newsgroups for hints at what to look for as well as short solutions.
Buy a book if you want to save time.
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel [site changed Nov. 2001]
My Excel Pages:
Search Page: