OHHH my god, it's impossible
i use this:
Dim del1 As MyDelSub
Dim del2 As MyDelSub
Dim del3 As MyDelSub
Dim del4 As MyDelSub
Dim del5 As MyDelSub
Dim del6 As MyDelSub
Dim del7 As MyDelSub
Dim del8 As MyDelSub
Dim del9 As MyDelSub
Dim del10 As MyDelSub
Dim delAll As [Delegate]
del1 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo1)
del2 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo2)
del3 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo3)
del4 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo4)
del5 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo5)
del6 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo6)
del7 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo7)
del8 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo8)
del9 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo9)
del10 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo10)
'delAll = MulticastDelegate.Combine(del1, del2, del3, del4, del5,
del6, del7, del8, del9, del10)
del1.BeginInvoke(DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value)
del2.BeginInvoke(DBNull.Value, DBNull.Value)
a new error brings:
Error 1 Value of type 'System.DBNull' cannot be converted to
'System.AsyncCallback'.C:\Documents and Settings\axe\Mis documentos\Visual
Studio\Projects\dominios_visuales\dominios_visuales\Form1.vb 387 25
and it runs first delegate and then the other when firts has finished.
i'm trying to change de code to this:
function hilo(ByVal dominio As String, ByVal numero As String, ByRef
dirsAnalizados As Integer) As ArrayList
end function
Delegate Function hiloDelegate(ByVal dominio As String, ByVal numero As
String, ByRef dirsAnalizados As Integer) As ArrayList
Private Sub iniciar_hilos()
Dim ar(1) As IAsyncResult
Dim a As Integer = 0
Dim domino As String = ".com"
Dim hiloDelegate As New hiloDelegate(AddressOf hilo)
ar(0) = hiloDelegate.BeginInvoke("", "", a, Nothing, Nothing)
'ar(1) = hiloDelegate.BeginInvoke("", "", a, Nothing, Nothing)
Dim waitHandles() As WaitHandle = {ar(0).AsyncWaitHandle}
Do Until WaitHandle.WaitAll(waitHandles, 500, False)
End Sub
but i get:
Illegal cross-thread operation: Control 'TextBox1' accessed from a thread
other than the thread it was created on.Stack trace where the illegal
operation occurred was:
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_Handle()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_WindowText()
at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.get_WindowText()
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.get_Text()
at System.Windows.Forms.TextBoxBase.set_Text(String)
at System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.set_Text(String)
at WindowsApplication1.Form1.hilo(String, String, Int32&)
System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink._PrivateProcessMessage(IntPtr, Object[], Object, Int32, Boolean, Object[]&)
System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.PrivateProcessMessage(RuntimeMethodHandle, Object[], Object, Int32, Boolean, Object[]&)
System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.StackBuilderSink.AsyncProcessMessage(IMessage, IMessageSink)
at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.WaitCallback_Context(Object)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext, ContextCallback,
Object, StackCrawlMark&)
at System.Threa..."
Patrik Löwendahl said:
BeginInvoke need some extra arguments.
del1.BeginInvoke(null, null)
Patrik Löwendahl [C# MVP]
http://www.lowendahl.net/ ||
Please reply only to the newsgroup.
i have used this and error brings to me:
Argument not specified for parameter 'DelegateCallback' of 'Public
Overridable Function BeginInvoke(DelegateCallback As System.AsyncCallback,
DelegateAsyncState As Object) As System.IAsyncResult'. C:\Documents and
Settings\axe\Mis documentos\Visual
Studio\Projects\dominios_visuales\dominios_visuales\Form1.vb 383 8
Sub empezar()
Dim del1 As MyDelSub
Dim del2 As MyDelSub
Dim del3 As MyDelSub
Dim del4 As MyDelSub
Dim del5 As MyDelSub
Dim del6 As MyDelSub
Dim del7 As MyDelSub
Dim del8 As MyDelSub
Dim del9 As MyDelSub
Dim del10 As MyDelSub
Dim delAll As [Delegate]
del1 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo1)
del2 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo2)
del3 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo3)
del4 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo4)
del5 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo5)
del6 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo6)
del7 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo7)
del8 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo8)
del9 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo9)
del10 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo10)
end sub
Patrik Löwendahl [C# MVP]
http://www.lowendahl.net/ ||
Please reply only to the newsgroup.
axxegfx wrote:
i've proved this
Sub empezar()
Dim del1 As MyDelSub
Dim del2 As MyDelSub
Dim del3 As MyDelSub
Dim del4 As MyDelSub
Dim del5 As MyDelSub
Dim del6 As MyDelSub
Dim del7 As MyDelSub
Dim del8 As MyDelSub
Dim del9 As MyDelSub
Dim del10 As MyDelSub
Dim delAll As [Delegate]
del1 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo1)
del2 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo2)
del3 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo3)
del4 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo4)
del5 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo5)
del6 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo6)
del7 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo7)
del8 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo8)
del9 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo9)
del10 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo10)
end sub
but it seems only las thread del10 runs, but de textbox that shows results
only it runs with del10 first
You will have to use BeginInvoke on del1 and del2. You will not need
delAll in that scenario.
Patrik Löwendahl [C# MVP]
http://www.lowendahl.net/ ||
axxegfx wrote:
newbie delegates question
i'm using this code:
sub empezar()
Dim del As MyDelSub
Dim del2 As MyDelSub
Dim delAll As [Delegate]
del = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo1)
del2 = New MyDelSub(AddressOf hilo2)
delAll = MulticastDelegate.Combine(del, del2)
End Sub
and i'd like to launch 2 simultaneous delegates , How could i do it???