Hello group,
How can I specify the threadpriority in a string (comming from a configfile)
without using a structure like the following (To convert a string to a type,
you can use the activator, is that also the solution for my question) ?
Select Case strThreadPriority
Case "AboveNormal"
MyThrPrior = Threading.ThreadPriority.AboveNormal
Case "BelowNormal"
MyThrPrior = Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal
Case "Highest"
MyThrPrior = Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest
Case "Lowest"
MyThrPrior = Threading.ThreadPriority.Lowest
Case "Normal"
MyThrPrior = Threading.ThreadPriority.Normal
End Select
Best regards,
Mobile boy
How can I specify the threadpriority in a string (comming from a configfile)
without using a structure like the following (To convert a string to a type,
you can use the activator, is that also the solution for my question) ?
Select Case strThreadPriority
Case "AboveNormal"
MyThrPrior = Threading.ThreadPriority.AboveNormal
Case "BelowNormal"
MyThrPrior = Threading.ThreadPriority.BelowNormal
Case "Highest"
MyThrPrior = Threading.ThreadPriority.Highest
Case "Lowest"
MyThrPrior = Threading.ThreadPriority.Lowest
Case "Normal"
MyThrPrior = Threading.ThreadPriority.Normal
End Select
Best regards,
Mobile boy