


i uses the above to send some thread to many machines and perform a ping and
return results to my event log

Is there a way to determine when the *last* thread returns, and i can
terminate my console program automatically. ?

If i terminate my program *early*, the thread that return results will not
be written to my event log. Thus i cannot terminate my console program early
and i have to manually write a loop and expects user to terminate it. My
loop was :

Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to quit the program or wait for 5 minutes before
typing 1.")

While Console.Read() <> 1

'waiting for my threads to return

End While

Larry Lard

James said:
i uses the above to send some thread to many machines and perform a ping and
return results to my event log

Is there a way to determine when the *last* thread returns, and i can
terminate my console program automatically. ?

WaitHandle.WaitAll is probably what you are after. Because I am feeling
generous, I append a VB.NET translation of the WaitAny / WaitAll
example from one of Jon Skeet's excellent C# threading pages at
<>. You should
be able to adapt this example to your own code easily enough.

Imports System
Imports System.Threading

Public Class Test

<MTAThread()> _
Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim events As ManualResetEvent() = New ManualResetEvent(10) {}

Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To events.Length - 1
events(i) = New ManualResetEvent(False)
Dim r As Runner = New Runner(events(i), i)
Dim t As Thread = New Thread(New ThreadStart(AddressOf

Dim index As Integer = WaitHandle.WaitAny(events)

Console.WriteLine("***** The winner is {0} *****", index)

Console.WriteLine("All finished!")
End Sub

End Class

Public Class Runner

Private Shared ReadOnly rngLock As Object = New Object
Private Shared rng As Random = New Random

Private ev As ManualResetEvent
Private id As Integer

Friend Sub New(ByVal ev As ManualResetEvent, ByVal id As Integer)
Me.ev = ev = id
End Sub

Friend Sub Run()
Dim i As Integer

For i = 0 To 9
Dim sleepTime As Integer
' Not sure about the thread safety of Random...
SyncLock (rngLock)
sleepTime = rng.Next(2000)
End SyncLock


Console.WriteLine("Runner {0} at stage {1}", id, i)
Next i

End Sub

End Class

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