Thread stuck in device driver

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
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i hope someone can help me with this as nothing has worked so far.

I am running a Giga-byte 8INXP motherboard with 1g of memory and an AIW
9700, with driver version 3.5 and MMC 8.5 (upgrade from 3.2, 3.4 and MMC 8.1
and 8.3). I continually receive "tread stuck in device driver" error, the
system video goes to 4 bit and I need to reboot to restore normal video.
This is guaranteed to happen as soon as I use MMC. I have updated all
drivers as well as chip set drivers on the mother board, but nothing works.

Anyone have any ideas?

Mike Owen
I got the exact same problem. But I have another hardware

MSI 875P Neo Mainboard, 512MB DDR400 Apacer CL3 Ram, HIS Excalibur
9500pro 128MB (ATI) VGA, 350W Enermax PSU and no overclocking at all!

I can't use the new Catalyst 3.5 driver set or I get the same results
as you do. Instead I have to use the 3.4 where everything is just
fine. Should there be any solution to this problem, please give me
some feedback.

Thanks in adavance...

I've been fighting this for months now.

GA-8INXP, AIW 9700 Pro, 1GB Corsair 266 RAM (Dual channel), P4 2.4 GHz,
E7205/ICH4 chipset, 4XMaxtor 60GB 7200 drives, 550W PS all running under
Windows XP Pro SP1+, DX9a, Catalyst 3.5 and MMC 8.5 suite.

Run at AGP 4X, FastWrites off (take a big performance hit here, about 50%).
Have also lowered Direct3D and OpenGL settings. I've also bumped up the
registry value for Memory Management System Pages to 0XC0000000 as per ATI's
suggestion (ATI Info-Base # 4217). System is more stable, but the following
is not uncommon (ie once every hour or so, shorter if I push the card,
longer if I don't).

When scrolling a window, system freezes or drops to 4bit mode (stuck in
device driver XP stop code)
Get blocks of dropout lines when moving a window (can clear by moving a
window over bad areas)
Matrix like DOS characters right after system reset, drop ed let ers in w
ndows dia ogue box s.
Get quick flashes of single coloured polygons (usually black or white) when
- running Animusic's PipeDream demo, particularly at the beginning
- when using MS Windows Media 9 Series visualization Rhythym and Waves
- running 3DMarc03 Mother Nature demo, which can also cause system to lock
up hard (stuck driver stop code again)

Can run ASUS V9280/TD Ti4200 (read nVidia) and ATI 8500DV at AGP 8X with no

I have ... changed RAM, run in single channel mode, bought another mobo,
played with IDE configurations, moved PCI cards, put in a beefier PS, ...
nothing seems to help.

Contacted Gigabyte and they say ATI device driver.
MS Online Crash Analysis says ATI device driver (I send every dump to MS in
the hope that ...).
ATI says nothing, and is very noticeable in their silence.

SiSoft Sandra 2003 notes the AGP device has a latency of 256 cycles. That
seems absolutely ridiculous. My Promise RAID only needs 96 cycles (and that
still seems very high). Can Windows XP handle a device that holds onto the
bus for that long?

ATI SmartGart allows me to turn off FastWrites and drop AGP to 4X. Anyone
know how to shut off SideBand addressing (as one post somewhere has
suggested as a possible solution). Gigabyte BIOS doesn't expose this

Also seen elsewhere (Maximum PC magazine I believe) are potential E7205
problems. Any one have any insight here?

Bottom line for me ... Why did I buy an expensive card that has the speed
and capabilities I want when, in order to get it to run, I have to turn all
these speed and feature settings off? Seems neurotic at best, schizoid at
worst. If I didn't want 9700 performance and capability I would have spent
my money on a cheaper card but more stable card. Do I feel ripped off ...
you bet!

I suspect this a hardware timing or data integrity (parity error) problem
within the card itself, or on the AGP/PCI interface to the system bus.

Yet ya know, when this card behaves, it outshines anything I've seen to

Hope this can help, and hope I can get some pointers ... John
