Thread Question

  • Thread starter Thread starter fniles
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I am using thread (sub ThreadMain in the ClientSession class). I call it
from main application called MainForm.
Inside ThreadMain, I call a subroutine WriteLine from the MainForm.
Will WriteLine run/processed inside or outside the thread ?


Code from main appl:
Public Class MainForm
Private Session As ClientSession = Nothing

' Create a new instance of the ClientSession object and a worker
' thread that will handle the socket I/O
Session = New ClientSession
WorkerThread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf Session.ThreadMain)

' Initialize the client session object with the reference to
' this form, and the socket that was created
Session.ClientForm = Me

' Initialize the worker thread and start its execution
' WorkerThread.ApartmentState = Threading.ApartmentState.STA
WorkerThread.Name = "WorkerThread"

Public Sub WriteLine(ByVal Line As String)
end sub

Code from inside thread:
Public Class ClientSession
Public ClientForm As MainForm = Nothing

Public Sub ThreadMain()
I just want to make sure.
So, even though the code for WriteLine is inside MainForm, but since it is
called from ThreadMain, it will run inside the thread, right ?

Anything invoked in a Thread should run inside that thread. It's analogous to
launching a separate application.
Thank you all.
Someone else suggested to marshal the call onto the form thread, by using
Invoke, or BeginInvoke function.
The following code is what I do.
If I do like the following, will sub PQ be executed on the MainForm or the
Class GT Thread ?
Thank you.

Public Class MainForm
Private GSession As GT = Nothing
Private GWorkerThread As Threading.Thread = Nothing

Public Sub ConnectMenu_Click
' Create a new instance of the ClientSession object and a worker
' thread that will handle the socket I/O
GSession = New GSession
GWorkerThread = New Threading.Thread(AddressOf GSession.ThreadMain)

GSession.ClientForm = Me
GSession.cb = AddressOf ProcessQuote

' Initialize the worker thread and start its execution
GWorkerThread.Name = "WorkerThread"
end sub

Sub PQ(ByVal Packet As String, ByVal sCaller As String)

Inside the Class Thread:
Public Class GT
Public ClientForm As MainForm = Nothing
Public Delegate Sub PQCallBack(ByVal Packet As String, ByVal sCaller As
Public cb As PQCallBack

Public Sub ThreadMain()
Dim d As PQCallBack

d = cb
d(strBuffer, "CMC")
Unless I'm missing something, it should.

fniles said:
I just want to make sure.
So, even though the code for WriteLine is inside MainForm, but since it is
called from ThreadMain, it will run inside the thread, right ?

fniles said:
I just want to make sure.
So, even though the code for WriteLine is inside MainForm, but since it is
called from ThreadMain, it will run inside the thread, right ?

Yes, that is correct.
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Tony Proctor