Practice first with regular forms, using one or all of these articles as a
Synchronized combo boxes
Limit content of combo/list boxes
How to synchronize two combo boxes on a form in
Access 2002 or in Access 2003
Basing one combo box on another
Since you mentioned subform, if your subform is a datasheet or continuous
form, you may have extra challenges to get your synchronized combo boxes to
work properly. Here are some references on this topic:
Synchronized combo boxes on Continuous form
Tip #16: Data in a combo box control on a continuous form/datasheet
Contributed by Sandra Daigle (3/10/2006 in microsoft.public.access):
“…the problem you are seeing is due to the fact that there is really only
one combo control - it is just displayed multiple times. So whatever you have
for current rowsource will apply to all rows. This makes it difficult to use
synchronized combos on continuous forms. However, there is a fairly easy
workaround. To create the effect of a synchronized combo in a continuous form
create another textbox control, include the display column of the combo in
the Recordsource query of the form (join the foreign table and drag in the
column). Position and size the new textbox so that you can place it directly
over the combo box allowing only the down-arrow portion of the combo to show.
Create a GotFocus event for the textbox that only does a SetFocus to the
This will create the effect that you are wanting - the correct display value
will always show even though the value itself might not be fit the criteria
that is in effect based on the current record.
Here's a KB Article that explains the problem

Combo Box in Continuous Form Shows Incorrect Data
Here's a link to my sample database that offers several different
alternatives for displaying this type of data including the technique
described above:
See Access MVP Doug Steele's February, 2006 "Access Answers" column in
Pinnacle Publication's "Smart Access". You can download the column (and
sample database) for free at:
His discussion of this issue begins at the bottom of page 4 of the .pdf
Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP
jwebster1979 said:
I have a Main form [purchase orders] and I have a subform [transaction
In my [transaction subform] I have a lookup box labled products, in my main
form [purchase orders] I have another lookup box suppliers.
My problem is I have hundreds of products and it is a pain in the butt to
figure out the one I am trying to enter in to my purchase order. I would Like
to have the products Lookup box in [transaction subform], only contain
products that are sold by the supplier I am entering in my main form
[purchase orders]. Please help and be specific I am still new at this! Thanks