This will sound ridiculous but...

  • Thread starter Thread starter LonghornBob
  • Start date Start date


I'm having trouble with a basic function.

I have an entire column of prices in the format $xx.xx

I need to take that entire column, say Column C, (titled "price") an
multiply each cell by a number and paste such that Column D become
those numbers plus tax.

I have cut and pasted the entire contents of the original column in
new column next to the original, so they're identical, now I need t
multiply each and every cell in Column D by 1.0825.

Any ideas how I can accomplish that?

And before you start, I'm a techno-moron. I'll need very basi

Thanks in advance,

There are several ways to do this. The most simple is a simple cop

Assuming the 1st price is in cell C1, got to D1 and type =C1*1.0825.
Then, simply copy this formula down thru the last row of your pric
column. You can simply leave it as a formula, o
[copy][paste][special][values] over itself to convert to values. M
suggestion is to leave the formulas so that any change to a price wil
automatically update the after tax price.

Note: If you want to round the after tax to the nearest penny
substitute the formula, =ROUND(C1*1.0825,2).

Allways glad to help out the underpriveleged, "Longhorns".;
One way without cutting/pasting
Sub nextcol()
lr = Cells(Rows.Count, "i").End(xlUp).Row
For Each c In Range(Cells(1, "i"), Cells(lr, "i"))
c.Offset(, 1) = c * 1.0825
End Sub
Thanks for the tip.

Assuming I do this, and type =c1* etc., do I then have to type =c15
etc for cell #15? I've got a few thousand cells and I'm not intereste
in retyping that formula 2,500 times.

Is there a quick and dirty way to have the entire column formatted tha

By the way, can you believe BJ Johnson didn't get drafted but Sloa
did? Crazy...

Thanks again,

No, that's the beauty of Excel. When you copy the cells down the page
it automatically adjusts the cell reference for you. In other words
if Cell D1 references cell C1 in the formula, when you copy it down t
D2, it will reference cell C2.:)

I'm not sure what their thinking was on BJ Johnson, but I was mor
curious about BJ Symmons.

Can you tell where I hail from
Since you've already copied the original column to a new column, you can
simply multiply that new column, in place, in a single quick procedure.

Type 1.0825 into an empty cell.
Format the cell the same as the original column.
Don't worry that you only see $1.08, - look in the formula bar and you'll
see the true value that will be used.
Right click in the cell and choose "Copy".
Select the entire *new* column, and right click in the selection, and choose
Click on "Multiply".
Then <OK>.
And you're done.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

I'm having trouble with a basic function.

I have an entire column of prices in the format $xx.xx

I need to take that entire column, say Column C, (titled "price") and
multiply each cell by a number and paste such that Column D becomes
those numbers plus tax.

I have cut and pasted the entire contents of the original column in a
new column next to the original, so they're identical, now I need to
multiply each and every cell in Column D by 1.0825.

Any ideas how I can accomplish that?

And before you start, I'm a techno-moron. I'll need very basic

Thanks in advance,
