"This page cannot be displayed".


Philippe - Swiss

Hi there,
Strange, the ONLY page which cannot be displayed on my PC, is the
following URL: www.juliusbaer.ch (yep, it's correctly spelled: "baer").
So far it really seems to be the only one which I cannot reach with this
PC; but upon using Firefox...no problem at all; yaks!!
So ANY valid tip would be now highly appreciated...thanks in advance!
Regards, Philippe Borel.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE

Philippe - Swiss said:
Hi there,
Strange, the ONLY page which cannot be displayed on my PC, is the
following URL: www.juliusbaer.ch (yep, it's correctly spelled: "baer").
So far it really seems to be the only one which I cannot reach with this
PC; but upon using Firefox...no problem at all; yaks!!
So ANY valid tip would be now highly appreciated...thanks in advance!
Regards, Philippe Borel.

Check for a file named HOSTS with no extension (not Hosts.sam). It may be a
hidden file. Open it with Notepad and remove any line referencing the site.
Or, rename HOSTS to OLDHOSTS

Philippe - Swiss

Thanks Frank Saunders!
Well I did search for it and did found two such entries ("Hosts").
But both had only the following entry: "This is a sample HOSTS
file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows"...
Philippe Borel

Philippe - Swiss

Okay; so here now my latest findings (yep!):
On the bottom of this unreachable site www.juliusbaer.com,
the following path appears (I only noticed it now; sorry!):
Hmm, so would that mean that it's a...DNS fault??
But this problem occurs ONLY on THIS specific site, so...
Anyway, I just hope you guys will not "give up" on me (?).
Philippe Borel

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE

In a Cmd window, enter
ipconfig /flushdns
then clear your TIF also, and re-boot.

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