This new fangled services stuff

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How many people actually use it live for real things or do people do
"normal" projects, and porting.

What is the main use for C# by people. Web Fantasy Services, or down to
earth controlling hardware (mumbling craptiveX as no serial comms) and
porting other normal apps, client and server side.
Depends one what Services you are referring too, but they are both widely
used. If Web Services, Google and Amazon are two very large scale ones that
come to mind but there's more than one could mention. Just check the UDDI

As far as Windows Services go? Well, anyone who's security conscious and
doesn't want to leave a machine logged in all the time just so a program can
run on it. Also anyone who wants a resilient program that can start and
stop itself....
You dont have to have a machine logged on all the time to have a process
running. That is a bad excuse for a web service.
Wiiliam wasn't talking about a Web Service, he was talking about a Windows
