Please could someone respond,for the last several days i
send to spynet for analysis the following item. Name:URL
Exec Hook Details: Path c:/windows/system32/shell32.dll
version: 6.0.2900.2620 Name:Microsoft Windows Shell
Common Dll Descritption: Windows Shell Common Dll
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation File path:
c:/windows/system32/shell32.dll File version:
6.0.2900.2620 Technical details: CLSID:{AEB6717E-7E19-
11do-97EE-00C04FD91972} Original file name: Shell32.DLL
MD5: 9833f278924d028414d7f89bfd4c46b *Now what do i do?
My question should i block this shell execute hook and if
i do what programs will stop running? my computer may not
function. I fear that if i don' be advice i could wind up
with uninstalling something that may cost me
dearly.Pleaszze help me and thanks in advance.
send to spynet for analysis the following item. Name:URL
Exec Hook Details: Path c:/windows/system32/shell32.dll
version: 6.0.2900.2620 Name:Microsoft Windows Shell
Common Dll Descritption: Windows Shell Common Dll
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation File path:
c:/windows/system32/shell32.dll File version:
6.0.2900.2620 Technical details: CLSID:{AEB6717E-7E19-
11do-97EE-00C04FD91972} Original file name: Shell32.DLL
MD5: 9833f278924d028414d7f89bfd4c46b *Now what do i do?
My question should i block this shell execute hook and if
i do what programs will stop running? my computer may not
function. I fear that if i don' be advice i could wind up
with uninstalling something that may cost me
dearly.Pleaszze help me and thanks in advance.