This Has To Be A Record.....

  • Thread starter Thread starter Moshe Goldfarb.
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Moshe Goldfarb.

A new post every 2 minutes for the past 1.5 hours, best I can tell....

I stopped counting and it appears the stink pipe is still wide open to the

Many approaching 100 lines and at least a couple approaching 400 lines....

For those of you still believing Roy Schestowitz is doing this out of the
goodness of his heart and manually, you had better collect your missing
marbles on the way out.

And BTW they are appearing on digg as well, as we speak...
No doubt they are appearing in other places like Propeller and /. too.

Think about it.
Moshe Goldfarb. said:

Roy Schestowitz...

The SPAM King.

Google him and see what you find...

Nothing else even comes close.

Look here:

It's a little outdated (not my site BTW) but you get the drift...

You've shown yourself to be completely technically incompetent, so I don't
know how you can say anybody is stupid. Why do you feel so threatened by
the few people that use Linux, anyway? Is it too complex for you and it
makes you feel inadequate? Your anti-Linux trolling is as tedious and
brainless as Frank's lame pro-Vista agenda. The Windows community would be
better off without the two of you.

Top posted on purpose, I don't know why...just following along....

No, I don't know Frank...

I doubt he can top Roy Schestowitz though....

Google seems to be under counting the last couple of months though.

Also consider this loon Roy Schestowitz sends this stuff out to every
corner of the Internet...

And also consider the number of lines the guy posts in each message, some
approaching 400-500 lines!

Google him and see for yourself.
You've shown yourself to be completely technically incompetent, so I don't
know how you can say anybody is stupid.

Example please.
Talk is cheap....

Why do you feel so threatened by
the few people that use Linux, anyway?

I don't.
Why so many anti-Microsoft messages in COLA?
Seems the other side is the one that feels threatened.

Is it too complex for you and it
makes you feel inadequate?

I've run Linux since 1997 or so, maybe earlier I don't know...

Your anti-Linux trolling is as tedious and
brainless as Frank's lame pro-Vista agenda. The Windows community would be
better off without the two of you.


I don't consider myself part of the Windows community.
You guys are even more brain dead than the Linux community.

One word,,,Vista...I rest my case..
A new post every 2 minutes for the past 1.5 hours, best I can tell....

I stopped counting and it appears the stink pipe is still wide open to
the Internet.

Many approaching 100 lines and at least a couple approaching 400

For those of you still believing Roy Schestowitz is doing this out of
the goodness of his heart and manually, you had better collect your
missing marbles on the way out.

And BTW they are appearing on digg as well, as we speak... No doubt they
are appearing in other places like Propeller and /. too.

From last weeks cola stats post:
Top 20 posters by number of articles
1: Rick <[email protected]>.................................... : 422
2: "Moshe Goldfarb." <[email protected]>............... : 419
3: Roy Schestowitz <[email protected]>.............. : 378
Think about it.

I think you should.
From last weeks cola stats post:

I think you should.

My posts are one or two line comebacks.
Schestowitz's posts are dissertations....

Back to school for you....
Cross-post intended:
Why so many anti-Microsoft messages in COLA?

That is not the point, and the question is, why do you need to extend your
personal battle to other newsgroups?

Is it because you have no guts to fight alone or you simply cannot perform
without people standing behind your back?
I've run Linux since 1997 or so, maybe earlier I don't know...

So what? Seniority is for people who have nothing else to show.
I don't consider myself part of the Windows community.

Me neither, but at least, I understand that if I can't be more productive, I
can try to be less destructive.

On the other hand, your messages are not even rants which can be put to good
use if people read the contents not the emotions, but yours serve one
purpose only and that is to spread and intensify hatreds toward each other.

People like you are the obstacles to technology developments because all you
care about is yourself and the choices that you've made, regardless of the
true benefits of others, and thus block the true innovations and

The only thing that I don't understand is why your posts have never been
deleted by MS servers.
Cross-post intended:

That is not the point, and the question is, why do you need to extend your
personal battle to other newsgroups?

I fight the war where it is being fought.

Is it because you have no guts to fight alone or you simply cannot perform
without people standing behind your back?

In a war it's best to have the troops in front of you.
A basic concept.
I didn't expect you to get it, but now that you have been educated consider
it a gift from me to you!

So what? Seniority is for people who have nothing else to show.

Tell that to your parents who have more wisdom in their pinky than you do
in your entire body.

Me neither, but at least, I understand that if I can't be more productive, I
can try to be less destructive.

Wrong way of thinking.
Never dwell on the mediocre.
Always dwell on reaching as far and beyond what you think you can do and
you might be surprised at what you can accomplish.

IOW never settle for second best.
A failure is a failure.

You sound like a loser BTW.

On the other hand, your messages are not even rants which can be put to good
use if people read the contents not the emotions, but yours serve one
purpose only and that is to spread and intensify hatreds toward each other.

I don't spread hatred, I present the facts.
My message is pure fact and common sense derived from said facts.

IOW if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck etc....

People like you are the obstacles to technology developments because all you
care about is yourself and the choices that you've made, regardless of the
true benefits of others, and thus block the true innovations and

I use Windows and Linux.

I don't happen to like SPAMMERS...
Especially PAID SPAMMERS who are fakes, phonies and frauds....

The only thing that I don't understand is why your posts have never been
deleted by MS servers.

Quality son.
Pure quality...

MS knows what Roy Schestowitz is up to and it's only a matter of time
before they haul his ass into court and demand proof of his libelous

Mark my words cupcake...
In a war it's best to have the troops in front of you.

Then you are a coward, needless to say being a leader in a war.
A basic concept.

From a person who obviously had no real experience in military of any kind.

The rest of your comments are trashes.
Moshe said:
A new post every 2 minutes for the past 1.5 hours, best I can tell....

I stopped counting and it appears the stink pipe is still wide open to the

Many approaching 100 lines and at least a couple approaching 400 lines....

For those of you still believing Roy Schestowitz is doing this out of the
goodness of his heart and manually, you had better collect your missing
marbles on the way out.

And BTW they are appearing on digg as well, as we speak...
No doubt they are appearing in other places like Propeller and /. too.

Think about it.

Re-Format Your Computer And Install Open Source Linux, Just FYI.

Otherwise Please Do The Following: Go Away Microsoft Fan Boy, Also Just
FYI. Open Source Linux Is The Future Of All Computing, Also Just FYI.
Also, Be Sure 2 Write 2 President Bush And Tell Him That Microsoft
Windows Vista Needs 2 Be Re-Called By The U.S. Government, And That The
U.S.D.O.J. Needs 2 File Another Anti-Trust Lawsuit Against Microsoft As
Well, Also Just FYI. Otherwise, Please Be Sure 2 Take A Flying Leap Of A
Tall Building If You Refuse 2 Write 2 The White House, Also Just FYI.
Moshe said:
I already have.
PCLinuxOS runs on the family computer.

Too bad it's been free for 15+ years and still has a paltry market share.
Must be tough trying to advocate something nobody seems to want to use.

Well if you had enough brains to do some research before assuming what I am
or am not, you would see I totally HATE Vista....

But, like I said, you are not smart enough.

As for Bush, I doubt he can recall yesterday's breakfast.

Linux is free?
Mac is out there as well.
So is Solaris.

Question: Why can't free products be given away and used for some extended
period of time?

Answer: they suck...

Peopl would rather pay for Windows or move to Mac rather than use Linux.
It's a fact.

As for jumping off tall buildings, in my town they knocked them down in the
name of Allah....
I hope he is happy....

Well, I Personally Don't Know Why You Are Complaining About This Other
Guy Named Roy Here In Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, As I Do
Not See A Single Post From Him On This MSNEWS.MICROSOFT.COM News Server,
Just FYI. The Only Other Linux Poster's That I See Here In
Microsft.Public.Windows.Vista.General Are Alias, And Ring Master
Re-Format Your Computer And Install Open Source Linux, Just FYI.

Otherwise Please Do The Following: Go Away Microsoft Fan Boy, Also Just
FYI. Open Source Linux Is The Future Of All Computing, Also Just FYI.
Also, Be Sure 2 Write 2 President Bush And Tell Him That Microsoft Windows
Vista Needs 2 Be Re-Called By The U.S. Government, And That The U.S.D.O.J.
Needs 2 File Another Anti-Trust Lawsuit Against Microsoft As Well, Also
Just FYI. Otherwise, Please Be Sure 2 Take A Flying Leap Of A Tall
Building If You Refuse 2 Write 2 The White House, Also Just FYI.

I Will File A Complaint If People Don't Like What I Say When I Say It
Because I Am A Right Wing Wacko ****tard And All Around Mental Case. Just
FYI. Just FYI.. Just FYI

The DOJ Needs Rules Against People Capitalizing The First Letter Of Each
Word. Just FYI

I Will Clean Up This Shit-hole.

Just FYI
Well, I Personally Don't Know Why You Are Complaining About This Other Guy
Named Roy Here In Microsoft.Public.Windows.Vista.General, As I Do Not See
A Single Post From Him On This MSNEWS.MICROSOFT.COM News Server, Just FYI.
The Only Other Linux Poster's That I See Here In
Microsft.Public.Windows.Vista.General Are Alias, And Ring Master Albright,

I Will File A Complaint If People Don't Like What I Say When I Say It
Because I Am A Right Wing Wacko ****tard And All Around Mental Case. Just
FYI. Just FYI.. Just FYI

The DOJ Needs Rules Against People Capitalizing The First Letter Of Each
Word. Just FYI

I Will Clean Up This Shit-hole.

Just FYI
Warp 10 said:
You got that one right...

people who like vista MUST be considered BRAIN DEAD by LAW!

And By Law You Are A ****ing Putz. Just FYI. Did I Say Just FYI? IF Not,
Then Just FYI.
You've shown yourself to be completely technically incompetent, so I
don't know how you can say anybody is stupid. Why do you feel so
threatened by the few people that use Linux, anyway? Is it too
complex for you and it makes you feel inadequate? Your anti-Linux
trolling is as tedious and brainless as Frank's lame pro-Vista agenda.
The Windows community would be better off without the two of you.

Don't you mean the world would be better off ?
* Moshe Goldfarb. peremptorily fired off this memo:
My posts are one or two line comebacks.
Schestowitz's posts are dissertations....

Back to school for you....

Roy's are often cut-n-paste repeats.

I suppose yours are too, as they're pretty one-track.
A new post every 2 minutes for the past 1.5 hours, best I can tell....
I stopped counting and it appears the stink pipe is still wide open to the

It's amazing isn't it? How much you can do with Linux, compared to
what you can do with Windows. Roy is a testiment to the superior
productivity of Linux.
Many approaching 100 lines and at least a couple approaching 400 lines....
Moshe Goldfarb
Collector of soaps
My posts are one or two line comebacks. Schestowitz's posts are

Schestowitz's post are mostly on topic for this newsgroup. Most of his
posts are quotes from articles which are relevant to this newsgroups

Your posts are, at best, extremely infantile. At worst they show you
as an obnoxious homophobic bigot.
Back to school for you....

School appears to be something your parents deprived you of.