This doesn't work for Thin Client user

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Turner
  • Start date Start date

David Turner

My supervisor at a remote location wanted a way to "merge data" from four
counties into a single master form. Each county sends in a simple single
sheet form with statistics for a variety of categories. All files are
exactly the same and contain no special formatting or even any formulas.
Just numbers entered under a heading for their county.

I adapted this routine from a post I saw:

Sub GrabData()
Dim wkbk As Workbook
Dim vArrFileNames As Variant
Dim vArrAddresses As Variant
Dim i As Long
vArrFileNames = Array("anderson", "campbell", "roane", "scott")
vArrAddresses = Array("b5:b20", "c5:c20", "d5:d20", "e5:e20")
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = LBound(vArrFileNames) To UBound(vArrFileNames)
Set wkbk = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=vArrFileNames(i) & " psr
monthly report")
Workbooks(2).Sheets(1).Range(vArrAddresses(i)) = _
wkbk.Close savechanges:=False
Next i
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

I've assigned it to a custom button on the Master sheet for my supervisor
to click and get the data. It works fine in XL2000 on any desktop machine
I've tried it on, but my supervisor runs Excel from a Thin Client
terminal and can't get it to work. No error messages reported, just that
data isn't imported as expected. Her words are "I click the button and
nothing looks like it's trying to do something, but nothing

Is there any reason this simple procedure wouldn't work for someone using
Thin Client?
you have a macro that needs to run, so make sure that your
supervisor does not have the macro security setting at
high, it will not run if so. goto tools macro and click on
security, put it to medium or low, I advise medium. If
decide to put it to medium a message will pop up when
opening up the sreadsheet asking if you want enable or
siable the macro, make sure your supervisor enables it.

-----Original Message-----
My supervisor at a remote location wanted a way to "merge data" from four
counties into a single master form. Each county sends in a simple single
sheet form with statistics for a variety of categories. All files are
exactly the same and contain no special formatting or even any formulas.
Just numbers entered under a heading for their county.

I adapted this routine from a post I saw:

Sub GrabData()
Dim wkbk As Workbook
Dim vArrFileNames As Variant
Dim vArrAddresses As Variant
Dim i As Long
vArrFileNames = Array
("anderson", "campbell", "roane", "scott")
vArrAddresses = Array
("b5:b20", "c5:c20", "d5:d20", "e5:e20")
I don't know anything about thin clients, but is there any chance you have
macros disabled?

And not related to your question--I'd be careful with this line:

Workbooks(2).Sheets(1).Range(vArrAddresses(i)) = _

How do you know for sure which workbook is 2?

Maybe you're writing to a workbook that you didn't expect to be open. And
you're not looking there for results.