thinstall violates .net license?

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I want to distribute an app with thinstall ( - it creates a virtual machine with .net linked in so you don't have to distribute the framework

The problem is, I'm worried that this might not be kosher with the Visual Studio .NET license, which seems to say that if you want to distribute an app built with .net tools your users have to install the full framework.

Has there been any *official* word from MS about the admissability of thinstall distributions?
----- drdan wrote: ----
I'm curious as to the section of the EULA you are refering to, as I cannot find anything to that effect

In fact, section 2.2 explicitly states that *any portion* of the software listed in REDIST.TXT (which includes dotnetfx.exe) may be redistributed

(From license.txt): 2.2 Redistributable Code—General. Microsoft grants you a limited, nonexclusive, royalty-free license to reproduce and distribute the object code form of any portion of the Software listed in REDIST.TXT (“Redistributable Codeâ€)

I think you may be refering to section 3.3, which is as follows

3.3 Separation of Components. The Software is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use by more than one user

However, "Software" (capital "S") refers to the delopment tools that make up the Visual Studio.NET environment and its support tools, not the framework itself, which is refered to as part of the "Redistributable Code"

Although I do not pretend to have any legal experience, it would seem to me that the Thinstall tool does not conflict with the EULA.