thinkpad t20 dropped it

Jan 28, 2008
Reaction score
i dropped my labtop now half of the screen is fine and the other half has lines and black spots what to do?
keke6667 said:
i dropped my labtop now half of the screen is fine and the other half has lines and black spots what to do?
Dont drop it again!
Sounds like you may need a new screen.
How olds the Laptop?
If your UK based suggest MicroMart out on Thursdays at all good newsagents.
Plenty of adverts for people that replace Laptop screens.:thumb:
It's broken.

Get a quote for a repair and if it seems uneconomical bite the bullet and consider buying a new one.

If budget is a consideration you can get a good Toshiba for £400.00/£500.00 now.

Laptops Direct are reasonable.

And try not to drop it again :)
Your probably talking between £175 and £250 for a new screen fitted and thats besides any other internal damage you may have done which could possibly show up at a later date..

Butter fingers is never a good thing to have when handling expensive electronic equipment..

Do you have home contents insurance if so then it should be covered under that and you should contact your insurance company..

All the best...:wave: