Thinking about updating my 9600...

Sep 17, 2005
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I have realised that it will be a while until i gather enough funds for a new pc, and i probably won't have enough until after christmas, even spring.

I do alot of online gaming, and given this i am facing 3-5 months of getting terrible gameplay performance, and am thinking about spending a little on a new graphics card until i have a new pc.

However i do not want to spend anything if it will not increase performance noticably, as the money i spend on this will be coming out of the new pc fund. My main worry is that it may be my other pc componants limiting performance more so than the card.

I a running a 2.6 p4 with 1Gb of mismatched RAM, AGP 4x on my motherboard and i currently have a bog standard Radeon 9600. If i upgraded my card would i see a large increase or is my processor to fat and slow to do anything?

suggestions and comments greatly appreciated :)
could prolly stick a 6600GT in there and be fine, you would notice the difference and 2.4ghz procc and 1gb of ram aint bad 4 games
As Consoles_Suck said.

6600GT good price now and you'd definitely notice the difference.

I went from a 9800 Pro to 6800GT 256Mb and the difference is really quite amazing.
does agp 8x really make alot of difference? ive always heard that it doesnt give that much difference?
after looking at the prices im amazed that the 9800Pro still costs so much :eek:, the difference is about £5, seeing as its only £5 then you might aswell