cathy Babbled on and on and on about:
Hello! I am thinking about a career in tech support. I would like to
know if anyone has any information that would be helpful should I
choose this field?
Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You!
Run with it. I love it. I am merely (some would say) a tech... don't ever
let anybody tell you that. I make fairly decent coin doing what I love, I
wouldn't have it any other way, and without people like us, the world of
computers may very well grind to a halt. Where would all those high up
executive types be without their PC's, PDA's and Laptops? Lost, that's
where. I personally love it when lawyers call me at 10:30 at night because
they had a crash and need their systems up and running. makes you feel
kinda good.<g>
Also, if you have the available option, take some courses in Linux. It is
becoming extremely popular among home users now (more so than it used to
be) and I dropped the ball on that. When I started in the field, Linux and
Unix were for the Network junkies and large IT departments. I didn't have
the patience to learn it, and now I am paying the price for it. I have to
teach myself.
The only key piece of advice I could give you is this:
from this moment, it is a continuous, and at times frustrating, learning
curve. Stick to you're guns. Technology changes so fast, so I will tell you
that you have to stay on top of things.