think my sata hdd died...

Jul 15, 2005
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hello i have a SATA HDD (

and one da it decided to not work. it starts to load wind. xp then it quikly goes to a blue screen then reboots, this cycle keeps on continuing. also wen i try to format it and reinstall xp it always crashes at the part where it is looking for hard drives and stuff. it wont let me do anything to it! what should i do? i am thinkin about just getting a brand new one. i have a lot of media files and play a lot of games. what do u guys suggest?
i was thinkin
or something along those lines. plz give me ur input!
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Hmm...I hate to give the old 'Have you updated the driver' answer, but does the manufacturer provide any specialised drivers for that hard drive? Some HDD's are designed for the generic Windows XP driver, whereas other hard drives like their own third party driver.

Did you change anything before you started getting blue screens? It might not be the HDD... once I thought my HDD had died completely, when it turns out the IDE cable was the culprit. Not sure if SATA cables have issues like that though...

The best hard drive around at the moment is supposedly the Hitachi deskstar T7K250, but only if you have Sata2 support. Otherwise, you can't go wrong with a Samsung Spinpoint for general quietness and speed. Out of the two you selected, though, I'd go with the Seagate.
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i'd give the cables a check and see if there in ok, if that dont work use it as a slave in another rig to see if you can access it
Might also be worth sticking that drive in a 2nd PC if you have one available and run a full scandisk on it (or chkdsk on WinXP).
ya iit doesnt use any special drivers becase it worked fine beffore
actually i did undo my overclock and it froze becasue i wasnt in bios but in my desktop, then i restarted and then it seems to load win xp fin like the progress bar then it seems to go to desktop then BAM! there goes the blue screen and restarts. def something with oversclock but i fied it all up. i am currently using my old IDE HDD and my pc worx fine. i will try to use a differnt SATA cable. thx for resposnes!

**also do u know if the ASUS A8N-SLi Premium supports SATA II ?
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ya i still get the blue screen of death even when i put a new cable in it. i have hdd smart monitoring on and quik boot disabled and no overclock.. what do u guys suggest i do? someone suggested doing a checkdisk, exactly how can i do that from start up? it wont let me boot from cmd prompt, safe mode, network mode, or normal, or last good config that worked...
if i choose any of them my pc jsut reboots. wont even let me format without it crashed to blue screen! (from win xp installation cd) im about to jsut give up and buy a new one, also i do not had another pc that supports SATA. i might try at local pc shop but i dont want to spend so much if i know they cant format it. what u guys suggest i do? ya cuz my pc shop charges alot and i wanna do that as my laast resort or jut buy a new hdd for like same price... i dont think its really worth it to go to a pc repair shop .
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ok was able to put my hdd in another computer but same problem. for final what hdd SATA do u guys prefer for gaming/entertainment?
thx again!
Samsungs are pretty good - for gaming you wont beat Western Digital Raptors but they are stupidly expensive. Go Samsung.
think u can match that hard drive's overall speed with a samsungs? if u can find one please send me a link. i cant seem to find one thats beats the speed.
I had that problem with the same harddrive for my father. The answer to your answer is get a bigger power supply, around 350-400. It eats alot more than it claims! If your power supply is over 400, tough luck
mines 500... so im definently getting a new HDD for my gaming and entertainment. hey i compared the seagate and the samsung and the average seek on the seagate is better than the is average latensy, yea also i dont really mind noise becasue my pc is already loud as it is and my current hdd is really loud so probably nay hdd will do.
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