You could create a batch file using Note Pad for instance to logoff a
computer every day at Eight pm for example such as " AT 20:00 /interactive
/every:m,t,w,th,f,s,su shutdown - l " . This example assumes that the
shutdown utility is already in the system32 folder of the computer which I
believe it is for W2K/XP. Otherwise you can copy it to the computers from a
network share using another logon script. You also would also want to run a
startup script " AT /delete /yes " first to clear out the previous job or
you will end up with a lot of identical AT tasks. You could use just " AT
20:00 /interactive shutdown -l " as a starup script which would clear itself
after running, but it would not be reapplied if the computer does not start
up every day. --- Steve;KO;322241