I've been tasked with editing the local policies on a windows2000 machine to
lock it down for an Internet Cafe. I've managed to lock down the entire
system, only leaving certain shortcuts on the desktop. Start > programs
provides nothing and you cannot access/see any drives.
However when running Star Office 5.2, the so called locked down machine
allows users to browser through all directories and save/edit files. It only
seems to be limited to staroffice, no other application is giving me a
lock it down for an Internet Cafe. I've managed to lock down the entire
system, only leaving certain shortcuts on the desktop. Start > programs
provides nothing and you cannot access/see any drives.
However when running Star Office 5.2, the so called locked down machine
allows users to browser through all directories and save/edit files. It only
seems to be limited to staroffice, no other application is giving me a