Football Nut
New computers with giant hard drives are so comparitively inexpensive
these days that I feel I would be wasting my time nursing old
hard-drives and dealing with their compatibility problems. Even if you
do get an old system working what do you end up with? - an old system,
and for how long?
I know there are 'nuts' who achieve satisfaction nursing these old
systems and I know that the process can be educational but in economic
terms they are just not worth it.
I used to be one of these 'nuts' but when I consider the amount of time
I spent nursing old systems I really wish I had put the time to better
these days that I feel I would be wasting my time nursing old
hard-drives and dealing with their compatibility problems. Even if you
do get an old system working what do you end up with? - an old system,
and for how long?
I know there are 'nuts' who achieve satisfaction nursing these old
systems and I know that the process can be educational but in economic
terms they are just not worth it.
I used to be one of these 'nuts' but when I consider the amount of time
I spent nursing old systems I really wish I had put the time to better