Thermal pad or paste?

  • Thread starter Thread starter DaveJr
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Well group...what's in gonna be? Thermal pad or paste?

AMD Athlon 950Mhz on Asus A7V mobo. No overclocking.
My vote is for paste. I usually remove the pad and apply a good thermal
paste. I've had couple of cpu's fry from people using the oe pad. But,
that's just my opinion.
DaveJr said:
Well group...what's in gonna be? Thermal pad or paste?

AMD Athlon 950Mhz on Asus A7V mobo. No overclocking.

paste is only recomended for short term, and a good one will cost you
alot, so you will only need 1 teensy tiny splurge for 1 cpu. Get a pad.
DaveJr said:
Well group...what's in gonna be? Thermal pad or paste?

AMD Athlon 950Mhz on Asus A7V mobo. No overclocking.

In the past, for the "lower-end" AMD CPUs (950 MHz Athlon and 1.4 GHz XP), I
would buy the official AMD + fan kit, which always included a pad. I feel
that if AMD supplied a pad, the AMD engineers must be pretty sure that a pad
was adequate. The AMD fans were modest but effective; I've had two going
for 3.5 years each, without signs of a glitch. Uusally I don't overclock,
but one CPU (a 1.4 GHz XP) has been overclocked by ~7% for periods of days
while I ran calculations, and it survived.
DaveJr said:
Well group...what's in gonna be? Thermal pad or paste?

AMD Athlon 950Mhz on Asus A7V mobo. No overclocking.

Quick answer, paste, but not any generic paste, get Artic Silver 5
"DaveJr" said:
Well group...what's in gonna be? Thermal pad or paste?

AMD Athlon 950Mhz on Asus A7V mobo. No overclocking.

A pad can stay in place for a long time, depending on
which type of pad you are using. Finding good
replacement pads is usually a problem, so that is
an incentive to use paste.

Paste needs yearly maintenance. To predict when maintenance
is required, install your processor with fresh paste, operate
the computer a couple of days, to allow time for the paste to
"settle". Then, record

Room temperature
Case internal air temperature (so-called mobo temp)
CPU temperature

CPU minus case = delta_T = measure of goodness.

In a year's time, check the temps again. Measure CPU temp
and case temp, subtract, and compare the new delta_T. If
your new delta_T is 5-10 degrees C warmer than the value of
delta_T was two days after installation, then it is probably
a good idea to remove the CPU and redo the paste.

Instructions on installing paste can be found here:

When redoing paste in the future, it is a good idea to
"heat the computer up", before shutting down and trying to
remove the heatsink. Run Prime95 for half an hour, and let
it get good and warm. Quit Prime95 and immediately shut down.
The purpose of getting the heatsink/fan warm, is to make it
easier to remove the heatsink. Some people have managed
to pull the CPU right out of the socket, while attempting
to remove the heatsink/fan for yearly maintenance. Some
paste products dry out, and can make the heatsink/fan difficult
to remove. Even some pads can do that.

BTW - Taking (case - room_temp) = goodness of computer cooling
Taking (CPU - case) = goodness of heatsink/fan/paste

If you don't want to be replacing it every 10 to 12 months, then the pad.
Paste will eventually dry out and become ineffective, and need to be
reapplied. While things like Artic Silver 5 can go longer between
re-application, all paste will eventually need to be reapplied. Not so with
the pad.

DaveJr said:
Well group...what's in gonna be? Thermal pad or paste?

AMD Athlon 950Mhz on Asus A7V mobo. No overclocking.

I'd suggest using whichever you happen to have on hand. Since you
aren't overclocking, and assuming you are using an adequate heat sink,
either will do the job effectively.

The most important thing is to apply whichever you use according to the
directions - follow them to the letter. The biggest difference is in
how they are applied.

Currently, of the 4 computers I have running in my home, three run 24/7.
One uses AS5, the other 2 are using the generic white paste. The
fourth is using Radio Shack heat sink compound (a silicone based one
designed for transistors) All of them run fine. 3 of the 4 are
overclocked. (including the one with the Radio Shack stuff) and all
show no ill effects.

"Outback" Jon |
1986 Kawasaki Concours |1976 Honda CB750F (needs work)
2003 Kawasaki Concours (wreck)|1972 Yamaha DS7 (project)
(e-mail address removed)|CQ CQ CQ de KC2BNE
ASHI Certifed CPR / First Aid Instructor
AMD XP 2400+ @ 2.18 GHz and 3.5GHz of other AMD power... - got folding? Team 33432
Either generally works well if undisturbed. If you plan to put the
system together and then leave it alone it until it wears out, use the
pad that (presumably) came with your heatsink. If you expect to change
the processor and/or heatsink in the reasonably foreseeable future, or
you are changing processors now and have to buy either a new pad or
some paste anyway, I would buy paste. Pad residue can be more
difficult to remove from the CPU and/or heatsink if you need to change
something in the future. If you buy paste, get Arctic Silver.

Well group...what's in gonna be? Thermal pad or paste?

AMD Athlon 950Mhz on Asus A7V mobo. No overclocking.

Please respond to the Newsgroup, so that others may benefit from the exchange.
Peter R. Fletcher
Your question cannot be answered without defining which type
of thermal pad. Older technology pads are nothing more than a
solution to badly machined heat sinks. No reason to machine
the heatsink thermal interface when using thermal pads. They
just stick a thermal pad on. Another type thermal pad
provided significant improvements. Numbers are required to
better understand this.

Those recommending Arctic Silver are promoting classic
myths. They provide no numbers - for thermal compounds or
thermal pads. Arctic Silver's thermal conductivity numbers
are no significantly better than any other brand name thermal
compound sold at much less price. Arctic Silver has simply
discovered and cultured a market where computer assemblers
forget even the principles taught in junior high school
science. They assembled a computer, therefore they are
experts? Most damning symptom is they don't cite specs - the

First and most important number would be the 'degree C per
watt' number for that heatsink. This is where most of the
thermal solution and thermal problems lie. Just because one
heatsink is made in copper does not mean it is better
cooling. And yet so many computer assembler will just assume
that to be so. Up front, suspect the worst if that
manufacturer does not provide a 'degree C per watt' number.
These are often heatsinks so poorly machined as to require
thermal compound or thermal pads. These heatsinks are why CPU
manufacturer just dumb it all down and say all should use
thermal pads or compound. Easier than trying to get a
computer assembler to first learn numbers.

Some just assume the best heatsink is lapped perfectly
flat. Again wrong. Properly machined heatsinks are curved so
that proper pressure is optimized in the little spot where
heat actually transfers from CPU to heatsink. Yes, a little
spot. Almost no heat is transfers in those outer edges.

Which raises another important fact. One must apply minimal
amount of thermal compound. So little that it does not spread
out to the outer half of a CPU to heatsink surface. If
thermal compound leaks out the side, then electrical problems
can result. Worse, excessive thermal compound will actually
decrease thermal conductivity.

Every change of medium only decreases thermal
conductivity. A 'CPU direct to heatsink' conductivity is more
conductive than one 'from CPU, through thermal compound or
pad, and then to heatsink'. Appreciate what thermal compound
does. It only fills the dispersed microscopic holes between
heatsink and CPU. Now even those holes will conduct some
heat. Most of the heatsink makes a best thermal contact -
direct contact between 'CPU and heatsink metal'. Applying too
much thermal compound only impedes where the heatsink would
directly contact the CPU - causing less thermal conductivity.

More numbers. Apply a heatsink directly to CPU. If the
heatsink is properly machined, then this is a perfectly good
thermal interface. Execute a fixed program and measure CPU
temperature. Then shutdown and apply a minimal amount of
thermal compound. Repeat the execution temperature test. If
thermal compound reduces CPU temperature by more than single
digit degrees, then either the human improperly installed a
heatsink OR the heatsink is not properly machined. Numbers
demonstrate the minor advantage is in thermal compound.
Minor. But you would never know this from the hype (always
posted without technical numbers) from those who just know
Arctic Silver saves the world.

Another myth. Thermal compound does not dry out in a year
no matter what Arctic Silver hypes to increase sales. Twenty
years later and the better thermal compounds (that cost less
than Arctic Silver) are still good. Listening to myths
promoted by Arctic Silver fanatics is like listening to
Geritol commercials that *prove* Geritol is necessary for
health. Or that *prove* Listerene is effective. BTW, Doc
Slater's Magic Potion is also important to protect computer
users from the dangers of electrons. We know this because
others also say so. We need no numbers because so many others
just say its is so. Welcome to the world of Arctic Silver

Be most wary of those recommending Arctic Silver. They also
swore Saddam attacked the WTC and Pentagon. They just know.
They don't need no stink'in numbers. But you first need
numbers for those various types of thermal pads. No numbers
is why responsible answers are so few and so subjective.
DaveJr said:
This is an AMD 'factory' alluminum heatsink with 'factory' fan for 950Mhz

go to any small pc builder shop that has a service dept and give them $1
for a pad.
Gordon Scott said:
go to any small pc builder shop that has a service dept and give them $1
for a pad.

If the Heatsink you have doesn't have a thermal pad attached, just use Artic
Silver 5.
This is an AMD 'factory' alluminum heatsink with 'factory' fan for 950Mhz

In your situation, either should work just fine, as long as it is properly


Jay T. Blocksom
Appropriate Technology, Inc.

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.
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