Windows XP There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network

Mar 29, 2008
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Today my computer have got a new problem,it said,
"There is an IP address conflict with another system on the network"
I don't know how to do it.
I'm a student from Guangdong Province China,
you know that my first language is chinese,so my English is no good,
and I hope one would help me to solving my problem in a easy-to-understand way.I don't usually to search the forum,so I wish you can give a E-mail for me when you have a way to solving my problems.
Really think you for reading.

admin edit : I've removed your e-mail address, as posting it on a forum will attract spam bots - you should get an e-mail notification when someone replies to this though.
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Another PC on your "network" has the same IP address as your PC ... simply change it. :thumb:

Sorry, we don't do private email help.
