John Jay Smith
holy cow vista is horrible...... im trying to get used to it, forcing myself
to swallow this abomination... but I cant...and i am not alone.....Even the
classic is messed up! I cant believe how MS messed up so much..
RE: Probably classic for me
By Zoidberg (1.79) on 2006-09-23 23:54:52 UTC in reply to "Probably classic
for me"
Worse is an understatment, the classic theme in Vista looks horrible. The
new Vista parts of the interface clash with the old look and many parts
don't even line up or fit properly. Text gets cut off, icons are jammed up
into corners way out of their proper position, and many dialogs are solid
white instead of gray. The whole thing looks like an amateur skinners
unfinished attempt to make a classic theme for Windowblinds. It really is
terrible and it doesn't look like they care so it will probably stay that
Edited 2006-09-23 23:55
: Oh my god
By Zoidberg (1.79) on 2006-09-24 00:01:33 UTC in reply to "Oh my god"
I know what you mean. I hate how the files and folders light up when you
hover your mouse over them, makes it very hard at least for me to work with
it. Files should ONLY be highlighted when they are selected, this is a
terrible design decision. Then there are all the legacy folders that aren't
really folders but junctions that point to the real folders. Supposedly it's
for backwards compatibility with XP but in reality it just makes for a big
confusing mess. Don't even get me started on the junctions that point back
to themselves so they just go on forever.
"..here are the four faces of Vista's start menu"
By h3rman (2.35) on 2006-09-23 20:00:22 UTC
They call it eye candy and most I can see is black. They release it in the
winter, people might get depressed.
New Start-button looks exactly like one of those ugly Feather Linux icons.
Who designed this stuff?? I thought they had some money at Redmond. I guess
Stylish Steve drew it all by himself.
Well, it's all about what's under the hood...
to swallow this abomination... but I cant...and i am not alone.....Even the
classic is messed up! I cant believe how MS messed up so much..
RE: Probably classic for me
By Zoidberg (1.79) on 2006-09-23 23:54:52 UTC in reply to "Probably classic
for me"
Worse is an understatment, the classic theme in Vista looks horrible. The
new Vista parts of the interface clash with the old look and many parts
don't even line up or fit properly. Text gets cut off, icons are jammed up
into corners way out of their proper position, and many dialogs are solid
white instead of gray. The whole thing looks like an amateur skinners
unfinished attempt to make a classic theme for Windowblinds. It really is
terrible and it doesn't look like they care so it will probably stay that

Edited 2006-09-23 23:55
: Oh my god
By Zoidberg (1.79) on 2006-09-24 00:01:33 UTC in reply to "Oh my god"
I know what you mean. I hate how the files and folders light up when you
hover your mouse over them, makes it very hard at least for me to work with
it. Files should ONLY be highlighted when they are selected, this is a
terrible design decision. Then there are all the legacy folders that aren't
really folders but junctions that point to the real folders. Supposedly it's
for backwards compatibility with XP but in reality it just makes for a big
confusing mess. Don't even get me started on the junctions that point back
to themselves so they just go on forever.
"..here are the four faces of Vista's start menu"
By h3rman (2.35) on 2006-09-23 20:00:22 UTC
They call it eye candy and most I can see is black. They release it in the
winter, people might get depressed.
New Start-button looks exactly like one of those ugly Feather Linux icons.
Who designed this stuff?? I thought they had some money at Redmond. I guess
Stylish Steve drew it all by himself.
Well, it's all about what's under the hood...