Gordon Darling
"We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of TheOpenCD v2.0.
The disc contains old favorites like Mozilla, OpenOffice, AbiWord, Gimp in
updated versions, but also has some noteable additions like Firefox,
Thunderbird, Blender and Gaim. The CD browser technology is also new this
time, and is based on Gecko (see screenshots
<http://theopencd.sunsite.dk/screenshots-v2.0.html>). This approach should
make it simpler to make derivatives, including localized versions, some of
which will be out shortly. We have timed the release to be out just before
the holidays so you can fill the stockings of friends and family with Free
and useful software. Read more
<http://theopencd.sunsite.dk/2_0_released.html> or get a copy from one of
our FTP mirrors <http://theopencd.sunsite.dk/mirrors2.html> or on
Bittorrent <http://hirisemultimedia.com/TOCD2.iso.bz2.torrent>."
Links are currently slasdotted.
The disc contains old favorites like Mozilla, OpenOffice, AbiWord, Gimp in
updated versions, but also has some noteable additions like Firefox,
Thunderbird, Blender and Gaim. The CD browser technology is also new this
time, and is based on Gecko (see screenshots
<http://theopencd.sunsite.dk/screenshots-v2.0.html>). This approach should
make it simpler to make derivatives, including localized versions, some of
which will be out shortly. We have timed the release to be out just before
the holidays so you can fill the stockings of friends and family with Free
and useful software. Read more
<http://theopencd.sunsite.dk/2_0_released.html> or get a copy from one of
our FTP mirrors <http://theopencd.sunsite.dk/mirrors2.html> or on
Bittorrent <http://hirisemultimedia.com/TOCD2.iso.bz2.torrent>."
Links are currently slasdotted.