Themes CSS

  • Thread starter Thread starter MACAVITY500
  • Start date Start date


I have recently looked at the theme CSS sheet in my web site and it has loads
of HTML tags that I don't understand.
Is there any way I can get a breakdown of theme CSS code so that I can make
changes if necessary.
A lot of the html elements start
eg. .ms-apptsingle or .ms-rtetoolbarsel
Can anyone help me uderstand all this jargon? It look a bit Greek to me!
The CSS that's generated by using a FrontPage theme isn't all that
fantastic, and usually the owner would just modify the theme and let FP
update the styles, etc.
There's a good site full of information on CSS: and (among many others).
Before I started using Expression Web, which has a good CSS editor in it I
used TopStyle from Topstyle has a good "CSS cleaner" which
fixes little errors you might make, etc. I still use it from time to time
but EW's facility for CSS is more convenient because it's "right there".

you'd mentioned a couple of things that I can answer:
stuff that starts out like .MS-something. this is a class.
a CSS class will start with a "." in your style sheet and a class can be
used more than once on a page.
if you see something that starts out with an "#" that's an ID, and it's
intended to be used only once in a page.

Hope this helps.

Chris Leeds
Have you seen ContentSeed (
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If you edit the CSS file and then open the website in FrontPage, the CSS
file will be restored to its original format when you either publish the
web, run Tools->Recalculate Hyperlinks, or add a new page using the
theme. The only ways to reliably change the theme's CSS are:

1) Customise the theme and save with a new name.

2) Copy all the theme files to a new folder, and edit that version of
the CSS files. Then remove the theme from all your pages and use your
modified CSS on the pages. This also means you will have to do your own
navigation bars as well if you use the theme's images.