My web page has been set up for a few months now using frontpage. All was
well untill i tryed to add something to home page, nuthing i havent done
befor, and after i saved then looked in preview the background theme seams to
have dissapeared. I try to re-do theme and it looks like its there while im
in frontpage but when you look at the web site its not there. It was only
missing on home page but when i tryed to add somehthing to another page its
gone from there too,after saving and then previewing. I see it as it should
be in frontpage but its not there when you look at it online. thanks for any
well untill i tryed to add something to home page, nuthing i havent done
befor, and after i saved then looked in preview the background theme seams to
have dissapeared. I try to re-do theme and it looks like its there while im
in frontpage but when you look at the web site its not there. It was only
missing on home page but when i tryed to add somehthing to another page its
gone from there too,after saving and then previewing. I see it as it should
be in frontpage but its not there when you look at it online. thanks for any