Yes, I am fairly familiar with CSS, and am aware that there is no way
to have variables or constants in a CSS.
For example, I know this will not work:
a.navigation:hover {
td.sidebar {
border-color: HIGHLIGHT;
Note that these are two different elements and two different classes.
BUT if I wanted to change the highlight, I could change it in *1 place
There are various resources available on Google that say this exact
My question remains ... *** Is there any way to do this via ASP.NET
themes? ***
there's unlimited resources for css tutorials and examples via google.
a simple css class looks like :
.sidebar {
}applied it looks like:<div class="sidebar" >sidebar stuff here</div>
T. Church said:
Either I'm being obtuse or I'm not explaining myself correctly ...
hopefully it's the former.
Can you give an example of what my CSS will look like so for each
color on my palette, I only set it once and can change it easily?
On Jun 19, 1:26 pm, "Jon Paal [MSMD]" <Jon[ nospam ]Paal @ everywhere
dot com> wrote:
Sounds like you are referring to a css class
define the class and it is applied to the control whenever.
Change the class color and it is reflected everywhere it is used.
Is there such a thing as defining a constant (or a variable)
for a
theme? For example, storing a color code and then using it in 4
or 5
places, so to change the color I only have to edit one line?