The use of Classes

  • Thread starter Thread starter Schu
  • Start date Start date


If I have 2 VB Classes that are DLLs on my workstation and
I reference them from a program as follows:

program -> Class A -> Class B

it puts the DLL for class B into the Bin directory for
Class A along with the DLL for Class A. If I later decide
to make changes to Class B, how will the DLL in Class A be
updated to reflect these changes? Do I need to somehow re-
reference Class B from A to show the new changes in B? If
I put all the class projects in the same solution and make
a change in B, will a 'rebuild' be enough to reflect the
new changes in B?

Sorry, I'm just a 6.0er trying to learn some new tricks I
guess. :)

If you make changes to a single DLL (and the method signatures to not
change), all you need to do is replace the DLLs on your site. There is no
need to compile or link or anything else to get the other project to
recognize the new DLLs.

Unless you have strongly named your assemblies, in which case you would most
likely need to recompile all the projects so they bind to the correct