The Unforgettable 6th June 1975
[Please don't remove these post and link. They are very important for our humanity!]
It was my ninth attempt to make contact. The sky was perfectly clear. Once again I observed the silence in the clearing.
There we have it. They were there. Everything was fine.
There was an agreed upon signal between us. I knew that I could concentrate on sending my thoughts by telepathy because they had let me know that they were receiving them. Then there was another shooting star which crossed the sky horizontally, once again a third one in the same direction.
My attention was drawn to lines of fire which stood out clearly against the night sky. It was about half past ten at night. I could feel a certain presence. As observed, even studied. I didn't take offence to their actions, even the contrary. It was then that a small ball of light, which burst forth from the vastness of the sky, filled my heart with joy.
What a firework!
Half an hour went by without me seeing other closer signs. The last one having still been very high in space. Suddenly, as if to contradict me, I saw very clearly above me the shape of a space ship. It was circular, equipped at the back with three small wings. This block of light had just disappeared as if by magic. In its view, I my gesturing signals but I quickly understood that it was useless. The craft was far too far away to understand what I wanted. However, it was responding well to my telepathic messages. Everything was happening so high up that I too wanted to be there. Why couldn't they land here where there was no one to disturb us? I came to the tragic conclusion that they had no intention of contacting me but that they had shown themselves to encourage my actions. I was angered by their attitude and I decided to break purely and simply any relationship with them. I directed my terms to those who were high up there.
"I thank you for all that you have done and for showing yourselves to me at this time. However, you must understand that I cannot consciously conceive your presence by such imprecise and distant apparitions. I know that you are very good to us and that without such kindness we would have ceased to exist or would have become slaves. But what is the use of my presence in these places if you don't do anything concrete to explain it to me. I see my presence here as being useless. If there is anything to be done later, do not count on me. Therefore adieu (to God), or rather aux dieux (to the gods), to you"
I raised both my arms to the sky in a sign of peace. Then, I prepared myself to leave the place. That's when an extraordinary thing happened. I had only just turned my head away when I noticed a strange orangey-red star above the hill in front of me. However, I still hadn't totally understood this mysterious phenomenon. My ability to understand was inhibited by its focusing effect. With great speed the star came straight at me and became a large sphere with a diameter of 3 metres.
I kept my feet voluntarily rooted to the ground because under no circumstances should I have run away from what was to happen. The ball stopped implacably. The object pivoted around itself. It was now a small dome. I hardly had enough time to notice its detail because an idiotic but very natural reflex made me protect my face with my left arm for just a moment during the approach, out of belief that it would crash into the ground and get me. However, I had enough time to notice that there was at no point a change in colour or noise, even as little as there was. The object was still in front of me, suspended in the air.
Quickly my understanding signalled this apparition as being caused by an extra-terrestrial and therefore conscious of what was within, I no longer remembered anything. Then I saw again the object which was reversing several metres at a very slow pace. Suddenly, it raised itself to an altitude of 300 metres, changed colour several times, and then left on a right angle, going horizontally before disappearing in a flash a few hundred metres away in the direction of the town. When the object was no longer visible, there were in the sky four white trails. Everything happened in such a fairytale way that I closed my eyes, pinched myself and slapped myself to know whether this was all real. Therefore, only if when having opened my eyes I would have seen the trails left by the engine would I have believed in my observation. I lowered my head, controlled the rhythm of my breathing and clenched my fists. Then I opened my eyelids, my head straight and tilted towards the sky, I saw the impossible. The four parallel and horizontal lines were really there. My mental state following this wonderful encounter is impossible to describe, it was like being drunk. For the first time in my life, I had seen while in possession of all of my faculties, a time and space belonging to the intersection of two worlds. Mine and one from elsewhere. I had seen indisputable proof of its reality. Who knows what happened during this encounter, I don't remember. Was there a being inside? All that I could know was that the ball could reappeared whenever it thought it to be a good time because while going down the path, I saw it cross over once again high in the sky.
Antoll MA
[Please don't remove these post and link. They are very important for our humanity!]
It was my ninth attempt to make contact. The sky was perfectly clear. Once again I observed the silence in the clearing.
There we have it. They were there. Everything was fine.
There was an agreed upon signal between us. I knew that I could concentrate on sending my thoughts by telepathy because they had let me know that they were receiving them. Then there was another shooting star which crossed the sky horizontally, once again a third one in the same direction.
My attention was drawn to lines of fire which stood out clearly against the night sky. It was about half past ten at night. I could feel a certain presence. As observed, even studied. I didn't take offence to their actions, even the contrary. It was then that a small ball of light, which burst forth from the vastness of the sky, filled my heart with joy.
What a firework!
Half an hour went by without me seeing other closer signs. The last one having still been very high in space. Suddenly, as if to contradict me, I saw very clearly above me the shape of a space ship. It was circular, equipped at the back with three small wings. This block of light had just disappeared as if by magic. In its view, I my gesturing signals but I quickly understood that it was useless. The craft was far too far away to understand what I wanted. However, it was responding well to my telepathic messages. Everything was happening so high up that I too wanted to be there. Why couldn't they land here where there was no one to disturb us? I came to the tragic conclusion that they had no intention of contacting me but that they had shown themselves to encourage my actions. I was angered by their attitude and I decided to break purely and simply any relationship with them. I directed my terms to those who were high up there.
"I thank you for all that you have done and for showing yourselves to me at this time. However, you must understand that I cannot consciously conceive your presence by such imprecise and distant apparitions. I know that you are very good to us and that without such kindness we would have ceased to exist or would have become slaves. But what is the use of my presence in these places if you don't do anything concrete to explain it to me. I see my presence here as being useless. If there is anything to be done later, do not count on me. Therefore adieu (to God), or rather aux dieux (to the gods), to you"
I raised both my arms to the sky in a sign of peace. Then, I prepared myself to leave the place. That's when an extraordinary thing happened. I had only just turned my head away when I noticed a strange orangey-red star above the hill in front of me. However, I still hadn't totally understood this mysterious phenomenon. My ability to understand was inhibited by its focusing effect. With great speed the star came straight at me and became a large sphere with a diameter of 3 metres.
I kept my feet voluntarily rooted to the ground because under no circumstances should I have run away from what was to happen. The ball stopped implacably. The object pivoted around itself. It was now a small dome. I hardly had enough time to notice its detail because an idiotic but very natural reflex made me protect my face with my left arm for just a moment during the approach, out of belief that it would crash into the ground and get me. However, I had enough time to notice that there was at no point a change in colour or noise, even as little as there was. The object was still in front of me, suspended in the air.
Quickly my understanding signalled this apparition as being caused by an extra-terrestrial and therefore conscious of what was within, I no longer remembered anything. Then I saw again the object which was reversing several metres at a very slow pace. Suddenly, it raised itself to an altitude of 300 metres, changed colour several times, and then left on a right angle, going horizontally before disappearing in a flash a few hundred metres away in the direction of the town. When the object was no longer visible, there were in the sky four white trails. Everything happened in such a fairytale way that I closed my eyes, pinched myself and slapped myself to know whether this was all real. Therefore, only if when having opened my eyes I would have seen the trails left by the engine would I have believed in my observation. I lowered my head, controlled the rhythm of my breathing and clenched my fists. Then I opened my eyelids, my head straight and tilted towards the sky, I saw the impossible. The four parallel and horizontal lines were really there. My mental state following this wonderful encounter is impossible to describe, it was like being drunk. For the first time in my life, I had seen while in possession of all of my faculties, a time and space belonging to the intersection of two worlds. Mine and one from elsewhere. I had seen indisputable proof of its reality. Who knows what happened during this encounter, I don't remember. Was there a being inside? All that I could know was that the ball could reappeared whenever it thought it to be a good time because while going down the path, I saw it cross over once again high in the sky.

Antoll MA