The ultimate add-in

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mike
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Problem: Users insert Hi-res photos and make a PPT that
is excessively large for projection.

Question: Is there an add-in or a setting
that "optimizes" a file into something more realistic?

Example: One of my users "EMAILED", yes EMAILED me his
presentation of 6 slides that was 98MB large. He had
inserted nearly 100 photos from a good digital camera and
shrunk them down to thumbnail size.



PS Can't wait to meet you experts at "PowerPoint Live"
Mike -
Looking forward to meeting you at PPT live as well.

If you have PPT 2002 or 2003, it's built in. Right click one of the pictures
and select Format Picture. Go to the Picture tab. Towards the bottom you
will see a Compress button. Click it. First, click the All Pictures radio
button. Next, set the resolution you want (screen or print). Finally decide
whether you want to just compress the picture or if you want to delete the
cropped areas as well. Click OK. Computer will buzz whir and your pictures
will be compressed.

This method will work whether the pictures are inserted via
Insert-->Picture-->From File or via formatting the shape and making it the
fill for the shape.

Will that do it for you?
Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint answers at
Featured Presenter at PPT 2004 - http://www.pptlive/com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived
My organization just approved Office 2003. We have been
at 2000 for sometime. I just got it installed this week,
so I am new to 2003.

Thanks so much I owe u a hug & a drink.

In addition to Kathy's tips, if they have been cropped or re-sized in
PowerPoint, go to File > Save as. Give the file a new name and before selecting
OK go to Tools and select Compress Pictures. Then click OK. Compare the file
sizes. Better?
Ahh, now I know why I did not find the compress
feature. All the photos are grouped with text and
animated. No compress unless you ungroup.

Thanks for the response,

I tried both of the demos and it only reduced it by a few
%. The trouble is that the images are group and have
animations so neither program considers optimizing the
majority of the images.


PS... when I ungrouped everything, the PPT2003 built-in
picture optimizer took a file from 148MB to 10.4MB.
Moral of the story is optimize photos before grouping and
animating. I personally all ready do this with Photoshop
CS which I know very well. It is the "Engineers &
Scientist" who make briefings I need to optimize.

Thanks All!!

-----Original Message-----

There are various presentation add-in optimizers (the
standard ppt 2002/2003 has it built in)
Mike said:
Example: One of my users "EMAILED", yes EMAILED me his
presentation of 6 slides that was 98MB large.

I know I shouldn't, but I'm just sitting here laughing at this. (I think it
was the "yes EMAILED that got me.) You poor thing.
PS Can't wait to meet you experts at "PowerPoint Live"

Looking forward to meeting you, too, Mike!

I tried both of the demos and it only reduced it by a few
%. The trouble is that the images are group and have
animations so neither program considers optimizing the
majority of the images.

True. I'm working on an update to Optimizer that will do both but can't say
when it'll be available.

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA
It is the "Engineers & Scientist" who make briefings I need to optimize.
That's the hardest part.
I've heard that version 2.0 of "Engineers & Scientist" will have this new feature :)
