<%@ Import Namespace="System.Windows.Forms"%
I got this error message. I searched System.windows.Forms, I found the dll file in the c:\programfiles\visual studio..
It is only 1 137kb size. Hwoever, the file also exists in the c:\winnt\midcrosoft.net...... directory. the file size is 1992 kb
However, when I search it , it doesnot show up. Only the smaller file in the c:\prgramfiles\visual studio......driectory show up. I tried to add reference in the solution explorer and it still does not work
Please help
Ray Cheung
I got this error message. I searched System.windows.Forms, I found the dll file in the c:\programfiles\visual studio..
It is only 1 137kb size. Hwoever, the file also exists in the c:\winnt\midcrosoft.net...... directory. the file size is 1992 kb
However, when I search it , it doesnot show up. Only the smaller file in the c:\prgramfiles\visual studio......driectory show up. I tried to add reference in the solution explorer and it still does not work
Please help
Ray Cheung