The Tartan and The Blue


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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This is a thread about politics. Iffy subject I know but my intention is not to make any personal comments but to illustrate how politicians truly do take us for fools.

First off, have a butchers at this

To say the Conservative Party have not fared too well north of the border since 1997 would be an understatement. So the likely new leader of the party in Jockland has come up with a solution:

...a new centre-right party would attract more voters.

Ya don't say? That public school education was worth every penny wasn't it?

But Mr Murdo Fraser (almost a good Scottish name but 'Murdo' sounds like some new brand of toilet cleaner) says this:

What we have to do is get many more people elected from Scottish constituencies to support David Cameron and a future UK Conservative government and the best way to do that is to create a new progressive centre-right with a Scottish identity.

Well excuse me Mr Fraser but seems to me what you're saying there is every vote for this new fangled party is actually a vote to support the Conservatives in Westminster who would then dictate policy in all corners from Dumfries to Aberdeen and beyond.

Just how stupid do you think the public are?

I can just imagine the debate in Murdo's office 'It seems the Scots don't like our policies so how are we to gain their votes?'

'I know, create a new party similar to the Lib-Dems and get them to vote for us but actually we're Tories in disguise'.

'Ha ha, brilliant, young Tobias, help yourself to a sherbet lemon'

Politicians, the cream of our intelligentsia.
The Scottish public won't fall for that one. They're not totally stupid. :D

Anyway they only vote for Labour or the SNP.

Complete waste of time and effort.
Politicians always talk with forked tongue :eek: and mostly a load of old cobblers, No wonder less and less people turn out to vote for them:(
It really irritates me that an alarming amount of politicians have never had a job in anything other than politics. I know someone who studied politics at uni (which only required 2-3 hours lectures a week) and they are now working their way up through the conservative party in various assisting roles... I honestly wouldn't trust them to organise a pee-up in a brewery.


I can't see things changing unfortunately... and yet these are the people running our country :(