Yesterday I received the above message when trying to login to a computer
running XP Pro.
It is fully up-to-date with patches and is protected by ZoneAlarm firewall
and antivirus. It is only 4 months old. No new software or patches have been
downloaded in the week before the problem arose.
It is connected to a small home network (setup as a workgroup rather than a
domain). None of the computers have ever been connected to any other networks.
I cannot login at all in the normal fashion. I only have one user profile
which has administrator level access. I have been using auto-logon - but
turning it off makes no difference. I can login in Safe Mode under either the
normal profile or the Admin profile. Interestingly, even when I do this with
Networking enabled I still can't access my network or the internet.
I have tried to do a system restore (no impact). I contacted Microsoft
Support and they could not assist and suggested I escalate to level 2 support
(at a cost). I contacted Dell and after a few suggestions they said that I do
a full system restore. I'm happy to do this and do have backups etc. but
would prefer to avoid the hassle!
I wondered if this error might reflect a corrupted User Profile? I suggest
this as (and I am not an IT specialist) it seems that the computer name IS
the domain when it is stand-alone/ in a workgroup? I may try to create a new
one and see what happens.
Any assistance or advice that can be offered would be appreciated.
running XP Pro.
It is fully up-to-date with patches and is protected by ZoneAlarm firewall
and antivirus. It is only 4 months old. No new software or patches have been
downloaded in the week before the problem arose.
It is connected to a small home network (setup as a workgroup rather than a
domain). None of the computers have ever been connected to any other networks.
I cannot login at all in the normal fashion. I only have one user profile
which has administrator level access. I have been using auto-logon - but
turning it off makes no difference. I can login in Safe Mode under either the
normal profile or the Admin profile. Interestingly, even when I do this with
Networking enabled I still can't access my network or the internet.
I have tried to do a system restore (no impact). I contacted Microsoft
Support and they could not assist and suggested I escalate to level 2 support
(at a cost). I contacted Dell and after a few suggestions they said that I do
a full system restore. I'm happy to do this and do have backups etc. but
would prefer to avoid the hassle!
I wondered if this error might reflect a corrupted User Profile? I suggest
this as (and I am not an IT specialist) it seems that the computer name IS
the domain when it is stand-alone/ in a workgroup? I may try to create a new
one and see what happens.
Any assistance or advice that can be offered would be appreciated.