John Bailo
CSS shills Bill Gate and Skieve Balmy make comparisons of quality
between CSS and GLOSS (Gnu Linux Open Source Software ).
Ok, let's test that theory. I work on both a FedoraRC1 and w2k machine.
So, on my w2k machine I want to listen to music. I install
RealPlayerOne. I switch it to my favorite streaming station
www.3wk.com . No sound. The little VU meter says there is sound. But
there is no sound.
Install winAmp. Go to the install processs. Find a cool station.
Click. VU on. No. sound.
Try mp9. It doesn't launch from the task bar quick launch. Click,
click, click....ok, REBOOT. 5 minutes later ( yep, it takes that long
), I can use mp9.
BUt you know what -- I've added 3wk Underground Radio and 3wk Classic
Underground Radio to my /Favorites/ about 10 times now, yet my
*favorites* list is empty.
People -- Windows Media Player is a product with a long history. It's
been through tons of quality and code reviews. It's been enhanced and
tested by hundreds of QA Engineers AND users.
There should not be even the /smallest/ bug. But -- there it is. AND I
have yet to even find out why RP1 and WA don't have sound ? This is on
a standard Gateway Celeron PC. It's from a major hardware vendor using
major CSS products.
Why do we pay for CSS crapware when quality OSS software is available
that exceeds the quality standards of the /for pay/ products ?????
between CSS and GLOSS (Gnu Linux Open Source Software ).
Ok, let's test that theory. I work on both a FedoraRC1 and w2k machine.
So, on my w2k machine I want to listen to music. I install
RealPlayerOne. I switch it to my favorite streaming station
www.3wk.com . No sound. The little VU meter says there is sound. But
there is no sound.
Install winAmp. Go to the install processs. Find a cool station.
Click. VU on. No. sound.
Try mp9. It doesn't launch from the task bar quick launch. Click,
click, click....ok, REBOOT. 5 minutes later ( yep, it takes that long
), I can use mp9.
BUt you know what -- I've added 3wk Underground Radio and 3wk Classic
Underground Radio to my /Favorites/ about 10 times now, yet my
*favorites* list is empty.
People -- Windows Media Player is a product with a long history. It's
been through tons of quality and code reviews. It's been enhanced and
tested by hundreds of QA Engineers AND users.
There should not be even the /smallest/ bug. But -- there it is. AND I
have yet to even find out why RP1 and WA don't have sound ? This is on
a standard Gateway Celeron PC. It's from a major hardware vendor using
major CSS products.
Why do we pay for CSS crapware when quality OSS software is available
that exceeds the quality standards of the /for pay/ products ?????