See below...
Lucky Al said:
I've been having problems with the Sims2 (and ten expansion packs) in
Vista because of one bluescreen and a series Application Crashes and
during the game because of out-of tolerance image issues. Windows
blocks the game everytime that I try to load it because of "potentially
unwanted behavior", so I have to bypass Windows Defender in order to play
game. My theory is that the Nvidia kernels nvlddmkm.sys and DX 10 are
designed to be flexible with the resolutions and color bit rates of these
games, rendering them out of tolerance with the newer Vista-Ready Nvidia
drivers and the Windows Vista operating system. Windows Vista does not
to have the automatic image resolution flexibility that Windows XP has. I
suggest changing your screen resolution to match the requirements of the
game. If you have DirectX 10 installed, it may not work with Sim2 because
requires DirectX 9c. If you have space for a second hard drive, you can
install The latest version of Windows XP then load and play your games
that one, instead, because Sims 2 works very well on XP.
Since the experts at microsoft, EAgames and Nvidia have not found a way to
solve this problems; I have removed all of my games from Windows Vista and
I'm reloading them onto my Windows XP drive, so that I don't have to
adjust the screen resolution just to play a game, anymore. When I had my
Dell XPS 600 upgraded, I chose to have a second hard drive installed for
Vista for a Dual-boot configuration because I understood and compared this
situation to that of Windows XP when it first came out. I is relief to be
able to go back to something more reliable until someone takes the bugs
of Vista. I'm sure that Microsoft and third party manufacturers are going
be inundated with consumer complaints for many years to come because of
windows Vista. When windows XP came out, it was an unrealized "diamond in
the rough". I'm not so sure about Windows Vista, however, because we may
witnessing Microsoft's biggest blunder. There are two major things that I
would not recommend Vista for and those are; Video games and Home
entertainment systems with HDTV and/or Dolby and DTS surround sound (video
and audio limitations are built-in diliberately). Microsoft would have
a lot better off if they would have designed and intoduced a service pack
for Windows XP and held off on introducing Windows Vista to consumers.
Windows Vista may require at least ten service packs to function
satisfactorily with all consumers. Microsoft, third party manufacturers,
the motion picture industry have to understand that consumers want their
computers to do certain things and they will not tolerate corporate or
manipulation of this technology to reduce or complicate its full
I'm running Sims 2 with all expansions, no issues. I don't think Denise
needs a lecture about how bad Vista is Al, go troll around the general board
with everyone else we don't need you guys over in games.
DirectX 10 comes with Vista, DirectX does NOTHING if the game isn't written
to use DirectX 10 libraries. Any game written for DirectX 9.0c, like The
Sims 2 will not even notice the DirectX 10 files on your system.
Vista is running just fine for me NOW, and while I've heard SP1 fixes some
issues I do not have a problem using the system as is. Was Vista messed up
when I first started using it? Yes, it was a bit, but I learned, and I
figured out how to resolve the issues I was having.
For a game that came out before Vista, The Sims 2 is running great on my
system (and many others), so take your anti-Microsoft propaganda back to the
..general board, kthxbai!
Can you be more specific as to what problems you are having?
Were you able to install the games?
When do the problems start?
What kind of computer are you using (Make and Model#)?
What version of Vista? (Home Basic? Premium? Ultimate?)
If you have uninstalled the game, try just installing the First Sims 2
[base] game, try to run that game, it should work. No point installing all
the expansions of the base game is having problems.
Respond here if you're still about and give us something to work with.
If you want there's a phone number in the back of your Sims 2 manual for EA
Support, guys there are pretty nice and can help you if you want to call