The search function


Den Bem

My search function has disappeared. If I click <start>, under <run> there is
no <search>.
I right clicked the start button, and went through the <start menu> and
advanced, and lo and behold, no search either. What has happened and how do
I get it back? It is difficult looking for files and things without this

Leonard Grey

Are you sure you want it back? XP's native search function ain't so great.

Go to Control Panel > Taskbar and Start Menu > Start Menu tab >
Customize button > Advanced tab > Start menu items > place a checkmark
in Search.

Den Bem

This is the problem, there is no "Search" for me to click, I have done all
you suggested only I did not go through the way you suggested, I just right
clicked on the start button, but the result is the same. There is still no
"search" option.
But then the next question, what do you suggest I use to search, if not the
built in XP option?

Den Bem

This is the problem, there is no "Search" for me to click, I have done all
you suggested only I did not go through the way you suggested, I just right
clicked on the start button, but the result is the same. There is still no
"search" option.
But then the next question, what do you suggest I use to search, if not the
built in XP option?

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