The Say No To 0870/0845 NHS Petition

Ian Cunningham said:
Not sure what mobile phone charges are to these numbers though - or if they can come out of your inclusive mins.

I think it depends on the network you are with...O2 charge 25p per minute...
I don't get free calls on my BT landline to 08 numbers.

I only use my landline for broadband and faxes mostly so I don't have one of their 'packages'.

The bulk of my BT bill is rental and just a few pounds for calls.

Therefore I don't qualify for the free calls.

I use the site MadX linked to but alternative numbers are becoming rarer.

08 numbers infuriate me, I notice even some sales lines are now using them - shooting themselves in the foot or what? I see an 08 number for sales, I go elsewhere.

When I moved house last June I had to spend time speaking to Zen, my ISP, as I was having difficulties getting connected. This was the only time I have used their helpline incidentally.

The call was around 30 minutes and cost me £11.00. I did consider changing ISP's at the time and I may still do so. Only the use of their e-mail address keeps me with them really. Oh, that and they're otherwise excellent.