The same folder twice?



Okay, i'm new here, and didn't see this post anywhere else so here it is...

I was recently recording some music onto my computer and putting some
pictures from my camera on as well (that all went fine). Normally i keep
these things in folders with a picture on the folder to remind me what
exactly is inside. But lately these folders have been auto-syncronizing. What
do i mena by that?

When I change the picture of one folder, or its folder type (music,
documents, etc.), it changes 1 or 2 others to the same thing. Then if I try
to change the picture/type on the other 2 folders, it changes the first
folders image to comply as well. I deleted the folders and recreated
them...same thing happens, always between the same 2/3 folders. It seems that
every folder I have now has some partner associated with it that changes its
properties to match that of another.

What could be goign on here? I ran an anti-virus and spyware program.
Nothing came up. Any other ideas?

Thanks for any help


I have an update on the problem:

I can no no longer even create a folder that does not already assume the
identity of a folder i already own. The only thing that folders do not seem
to have in common is destination. opening one does not bring me to the
contents of the other. It simple sets its picture and type to be that of an
existsing folder.


Unless someone has a better suggestion, I would suggest thorough virus and
spyware scanning. What av and spyware do you use, and is it all recently
updated? By recent I mean within the last few days.
A firewall will help a lot too; Sygate has a decent freebie. Whatever is
going on sounds progressive, so I'd look into it asap.

T. Waters

If the folders are not on the same hierarchical level, the folder on a
higher lever will "rule" the folders directly under it.

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