The real party


Good to see that you realise their is only one party to vote for, Vote Loony:thumb:
What an interesting website they have, would of course be a laugh if they won a seat in the local elections.
vote 4 the party of the people

The OMRLP is an Offical political party and is the only real 4th party in British politics today. Please do not try to make light of an issue like this, as a paid up party member for over 20 years we understand those of you who do not realise the true nature of our party. Together we can WIN

In the May elections use your Vote: Vote OMRLP
Well we got the green party in down here & probably had the first transgender elected politician, as well as the first politician with dreadlocks. Furthermore, the greenies have against most expectations, proved so competent that they have been re-elected in significant proportions for many elections now & currently carry a casting vote (in our system of proportional representation) strong enough to keep Labour honest when needed.

Initially seen as a bunch of loony tree-huggers out to legalise something green they have proven to be a significant political presence, who have garnered considerable respect based on their actions over time. & atracting more now than just those diullusioned with the behaviour of our mainstream parties.