the question of C# inherited



After runing the codes below, it will excute the parent's code first, and
then the child's code.
The result is

I am father
I am Child

How can I let it to execute the child's code first then the parent's? like
I am Child
I am father

using System;

class UsingBase
static void Main()
aChild myaChild = new aChild() ;
Console.Read() ;
class aFather

public aFather()
Console.WriteLine("I am Child") ;

class aChild : aFather

public aChild()
Console.WriteLine("I am father") ;


Jon Skeet [C# MVP]

ad said:
After runing the codes below, it will excute the parent's code first, and
then the child's code.
The result is

I am father
I am Child

How can I let it to execute the child's code first then the parent's? like
I am Child
I am father

The parent constructor code always runs before the child constructor
code. Some options, neither of which are nice:

1) Write a virtual method in the parent, overriding it in child. Call
that method in the parent.

2) Create an instance variable in the child with an initializer which
calls a method.

Sean Hederman

You can't do that on a constructor AFAIK. The base classes constructor must
be called before the childs constructor. However, what you can do is the
class aFather
public aFather()

public virtual void OutputString()
Console.WriteLine("I am Child") ;

class aChild : aFather
public override void OutputString()
Console.WriteLine("I am Child") ;


Sean Hederman

AFAIK there is no way to get a base class constructor to run after the child
classes constructor. However you can acheive the result you're aftter by
using an overloaded function:
class aFather
public aFather()

public virtual void OutputString()
Console.WriteLine("I am father");

class aChild : aFather
public override void OutputString()
Console.WriteLine("I am child");

Please note that I have switched the output strings around from your
example, since I think you made an oops there ;D


Thanks a lot!
Sean Hederman said:
AFAIK there is no way to get a base class constructor to run after the child
classes constructor. However you can acheive the result you're aftter by
using an overloaded function:
class aFather
public aFather()

public virtual void OutputString()
Console.WriteLine("I am father");

class aChild : aFather
public override void OutputString()
Console.WriteLine("I am child");

Please note that I have switched the output strings around from your
example, since I think you made an oops there ;D

Sean Hederman

I don't think that this can be achieved in the constructor. Have a look at
the following code, which should do what you want. Please note that I moved
your output string around, since your aFather class was outputting "I am
Child", and your aChild class was outputting "I am Father".

using System;

class aFather
public aFather()
OutputString() ;

public virtual void OutputString()
Console.WriteLine("I am Father") ;

class aChild : aFather
public override void OutputString()
Console.WriteLine("I am Child") ;


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